kenta-shimizu / pysemisecs

This package is SEMI-SECS-communicate implementation on Python3.
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How do I query a single-data body instead of an array #2

Closed sazima closed 2 years ago

sazima commented 2 years ago
body =  ('U2', [1010])
response = active.send(1, 3, True,   body)

I need to send is single-data body rather than an array. I tried this, but it seemed wrong.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File xxxxxxxxxxxxx/secs/", line xx, in send
    raise HsmsSsTimeoutT3Error("HsmsSs-Timeout-T3", msg)
secs.hsmssscommunicator.HsmsSsTimeoutT3Error: HsmsSsTimeoutT3Error('HsmsSs-Timeout-T3',[00 00|81 03|00 00|00 00 00 04])
kenta-shimizu commented 2 years ago

Hi, If single-data, you can also write: body = ('U2', 1010)

However, I don't think this change will resolve this exception.

General format of 'S1F3' is

S1F3 W <L   <U2 1010>   ... >.

I recommend you to try

body = ('L', [         ('U2', 1010) ]) response = active.send(1, 3, True, body)

Thanks regards.

sazima commented 2 years ago

Maybe I used the wrong client version, or the configuration was wrong. When I use the simulator to read data ('U2', 1012), The TCP body obtained by Wireshark is b"\x00\x00\x01\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x32\xa9\x02\x03\xf4", but the in pysemisecs is b'\x00\x00\x00\x0e\x00\x00\x81\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\xa9\x02\x03\xf4', They are different in length.

active = secs.HsmsSsActiveCommunicator(
r = active.open_and_wait_until_communicating()
body = ('U2', 1012)
response = active.send(1, 3, True, body)   # b'\x00\x00\x00\x0e\x00\x00\x81\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\xa9\x02\x03\xf4'
kenta-shimizu commented 2 years ago


Simulator data is wrong, No Length-4-bytes.

Checkpoint-1, Is there T8-timeout ?

'timeout_t8' is too big. T8 > T3 is NOT normal configuration. So raise T3-timeout before T8-timeout. If change configuration to T8 < T3 and raise T8-Timeout, Receive-TCP-data is wrong.

Checkpoint-2, Is ONLINE state ?

General-SECS-equipments do NOT accept requests before ONLINE-state. Do 'S1F17' before 'S1F3'.

sazima commented 2 years ago
body =  ('U2', [1010])
response = active.send(1, 3, True,   body)

I need to send is single-data body rather than an array. I tried this, but it seemed wrong.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File xxxxxxxxxxxxx/secs/", line xx, in send
    raise HsmsSsTimeoutT3Error("HsmsSs-Timeout-T3", msg)
secs.hsmssscommunicator.HsmsSsTimeoutT3Error: HsmsSsTimeoutT3Error('HsmsSs-Timeout-T3',[00 00|81 03|00 00|00 00 00 04])

I found the reason. HsmsSsTimeoutT3Error is because I didn't reply to the s1f1 and s1f13 data from passive. Use add recv all msg Listen can solve

    def recv_all_msg_listener(primary_msg, b):
        # return
        # pass
        s, f = primary_msg.strm, primary_msg.func
        if s == 1 and f == 1:
            b.send(1, 2, False)
            LoggerFactory.get_logger().info('send s1, f2 success')
        if s== 1 and f == 13:
    <L [2]
      <B [1] 0x00 >
      <L [2]
        <A [5] "DA100" >
        <A [9] "V" >
            LoggerFactory.get_logger().info('send s1, f14 success')

kenta-shimizu commented 2 years ago


To reply message, use .reply() or .reply_sml()