kenta-shimizu / secs4java8

This library is SEMI-SECS-communicate implementation on Java8.
Apache License 2.0
109 stars 54 forks source link

Project imported to idea. But it doesn't work #1

Closed guoxunbo closed 3 years ago

guoxunbo commented 3 years ago

Like this image. It's some file dont commit? like pom.xml? image

guoxunbo commented 3 years ago

Oh. I know it。。。It's Ok now. Thank you

guoxunbo commented 3 years ago

Oh. I had see the code? it's with jdk11?

gt2ming commented 2 years ago

Oh. I know it。。。It's Ok now. Thank you

I encountered the same problem, how did you solve it?

kenta-shimizu commented 2 years ago


I'm not using idea, I don't know details, but maybe, import from 'src/main/java/', not from 'src/'.

gt2ming commented 2 years ago


I'm not using idea, I don't know details, but maybe, import from 'src/main/java/', not from 'src/'.

Thanks for the reply! This is my first exposure to SECS/GEM Is there any information I can read, or learn from? Or how do I learn about it? Looking forward to your answer!

kenta-shimizu commented 2 years ago

Information of SECS is not normally found. SEMI is not open community.

SEMI sell standard document.

Buy and read standard document. Or attend occasional seminar.

I recommend attending the seminar. I also attend in the past.

gt2ming commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your reply.

And I hope I can ask you again in the future!