kenta-shimizu / secs4java8

This library is SEMI-SECS-communicate implementation on Java8.
Apache License 2.0
109 stars 54 forks source link

Clarify API scope #11

Closed holgerbrandl closed 1 year ago

holgerbrandl commented 1 year ago

Great work!

It's a bit unclear to me if the library allows only consuming SECS/GEM server or if it also could be used to serve a SECS/GEM endpoint. Could this be clarified in the documentation (maybe including an example)?

kenta-shimizu commented 1 year ago

Hi, This library can be used for both. In HSMS-SS(E37.1), It is expressed as active/passive.

"active" executes "AsynchronousSocketChannel#connect". "active" is suitable for client/consumer.

"passive" executes "AsynchronousServerSocketChannel#bind". "passive" is suitable for equipment/endpoint.

This can be set with "HsmsSsCommunicatorConfig#connectionMode".

Best regards.

holgerbrandl commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much for the clarification.