kenta-shimizu / secs4java8

This library is SEMI-SECS-communicate implementation on Java8.
Apache License 2.0
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SecsCommunicatableStateChangeListener What state does it listener #9

Closed skay0424 closed 1 year ago

skay0424 commented 1 year ago

Hi,we are passive,SecsCommunicatableStateChangeListener listener state is false,In this state, we send a message, the other party can't receive it, the other party sends a message, we can receive it! Our system will receive HsmsNotConnectionException! please tell me why? thanks

kenta-shimizu commented 1 year ago


In HSMS-SS-Communicator, listener notify true if HSMS-State changed to SELECTED, otherwise false.

If state is not SELECTED, HSMS-SS-Communicator#send throw Exception.

To send Data-Message in passive, wait until state changed to SELECTED.

Thanks regards.

skay0424 commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much. I got some news today The other side is deploying two servers in the same system and connecting to my semi at the same time. One machine is down, and they hope we can send it to the other, but HSMS State is false, and we can't send messages. Is this solution feasible?

kenta-shimizu commented 1 year ago

HSMS-SS is Single Session. Two servers cannot be connected at the same time.