Open saylideshmukh opened 3 years ago
Having the same issue, using TF 2.4.1 and Keras 2.4.3.
I did replace "K.image_dim_ordering" with "K.image_data_format"
issue is in "", line 794, in _get_dynamic_shape"
printing "t" variable before it fails shows t = "aeroplane"
Any clue ?
P.S.: I understand TF and K do not match original version but I would like to see if I can run it with newer versions.
I am facing the same issue. Please let me know is there any solutions?
My text file is gt.txt where the rows are like this 00000.ppm;774;411;815;446;11
When I run this command' --network resnet50 -o simple -p D:\project\rpntrainann\gt.txt
It creates the model but then I get this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 243, in
steps_per_epoch=10, validation_steps=100)
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'shape'
I tried different solutions but I am unable to resolve