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Reading habits #17

Closed benoror closed 9 years ago

benoror commented 9 years ago

Considering our field (IT) is evolving exponentially, I am very curious on how other people have their daily doses of information (besides the work-related stuff) to stay relevant and updated.

kentcdodds commented 9 years ago

What kind of information sources do you consume on a regular basis (Books, Magazines, Twitter, HN, Blog Feeds, Podcasts, ...)?

I rarely read Books, I prefer hands-on and video tutorials. I never read Magazines. I use Twitter a lot. I hardly ever get on HN, I don't use a blog feed. I listen to JavaScript Jabber, Adventures in Angular, Angular Air (of course ;-)), Parent Programming Podcast, React Podcast, FiveJS, and Software Engineering Radio (at the recommendation from @AimeeKnight). So yeah, I'm into podcasts and twitter :-) I also watch conference talks and go to conferences :-)

What off-topics are you interested in (IT-related, besides the work-related specifics)?

I'm not certain I understand what you're asking here. Most of my personal IT-related stuff relates to my work-related stuff. This is why I can justify working on open source stuff (because we use the tools at work) or hangout on twitter regularly (because I ask questions elicit feedback on ideas I'm considering with work). I do have stuff that I work on, but you could argue that's work-related too :-)

What tools do you use regularly (E-Reader, Tweetdeck, Medium, Feedkly, Pocket Casts)?

My laptop. Medium. (I've tried tweetdeck several times and just haven't gotten into it). I subscribe to several newsletters: JavaScript Weekly, Node Weekly, ng-newsletter, React.js Newsletter, HTML Weekly. And I follow each of these on twitter as well.

Do you allocate some time of your day for consuming information, or you just do it on the fly?

I mostly do it on the fly. Could probably be more productive if I allocated time every few hours or something.

Do you have a specific routine/process for information consumption?

Not really... Just kinda consume it. I follow people/things that I find tweet things interesting fairly regularly.

Hope that's helpful! Thanks for the question!

benoror commented 9 years ago

Thanks for answering!

kentcdodds commented 8 years ago

Update on my podcasts:

I try to catch every episode of:

I catch episodes I think look interesting of:

I just realized that I listen to a lot of podcasts...

benoror commented 8 years ago

Great addition Kent, thanks! :clap:

BTW, how do you find time to listen so many podcasts? Do you listen while working/coding? Or only during your spare time?


kentcdodds commented 8 years ago

Funny you should ask :-)

screen shot 2016-01-07 at 4 11 05 pm

kentcdodds commented 8 years ago

Another update on podcasts:

I try to catch every episode of:

I catch episodes I think look interesting of:

mattferderer commented 7 years ago

Your podcast list looks very similar to mine. I'm therefore suggesting you check out .Net Rocks for their Geek Out labeled podcasts where they explain & share the current status of non dev & very interesting topics such as reusable space craft, modern agriculture techniques, space elevators, smart homes, quantum computer.

kentcdodds commented 7 years ago

Another update on podcasts:

I try to catch every episode of:

I catch episodes I think look interesting of: