kentcdodds / react-testing-library-course

Test React Components with Jest and React Testing Library on
1.08k stars 378 forks source link

When will the course tentatively come out and where? 😅 #4

Closed gdad-s-river closed 6 years ago

kentcdodds commented 6 years ago

Soon 😝 I try to avoid making deadline promises 😅

gdad-s-river commented 6 years ago

@kentcdodds Haha, cool! 💛 I want to be able to take that course with a pre meditated state of knowingness about all things testing. I've been given a coding assignment for a job interview where I'm required to use TDD to make a small app. I'm learning and using react-testing-library for it. Your youtube videos and frontendmasters course are really helpful.


  1. I want to be able to read more code to learn how testing should / can / is done. Are there any open components / apps that you know of (or your own) that uses react-testing-library for testing, which could be read and learnt from?

  2. Are there any other resources that you'd have compiled / or would want to share, for all things testings, that one (I 😅 ) could use to learn more?