kentindell / canhack

The Yes We CAN project of Canis Labs
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Location of the canis folder required to apply v1.16 patch #13

Closed BrosDs closed 2 years ago

BrosDs commented 2 years ago


I was following the README.txt found in canhack/pico/micropython/ to apply the patch on the firmware of the CANPico board but I cannot find the canis folder nor its content in any directory of this repo. Could you please provide some more info about this procedure?


kentindell commented 2 years ago

The v1.16 patch is applied over the top of the patched v1.15. To get that you need to apply the v1.15 patch, which is in the folder OLD.

BrosDs commented 2 years ago

I've tried running the git apply command with the v1.15 patch but it failed (multiple errors on many source files). Is there a particular undocumented way to apply the patch?

kentindell commented 2 years ago

The v1.15 patch is against MicroPython 1.15. But I'll see if I can just lift the canis folder out and drop it directly into the repo here, which would save the hassle. The firmware is due to be brought up to date with MicroPython anyway, and I'll find a better way to do the next release.

kentindell commented 2 years ago

The v1.18 bump, with the canis source code broken out, is staged on:


Give the new instructions a try and let me know if it doesn't build.

kentindell commented 2 years ago

It's now been merged into the master branch.