kentonl / e2e-coref

End-to-end Neural Coreference Resolution
Apache License 2.0
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How can I get mentions that are not part of a cluster but still have high unary scores? #65

Closed normalOne95 closed 5 years ago

normalOne95 commented 5 years ago

Hi @kentonl ,

Apart from the coreference clusters, I also want to extract mention spans that are not present in any cluster (i.e. singletons) but had high unary scores. How can I do this? Does the kernel you wrote ( only extract the spans with high unary scores?


kentonl commented 5 years ago

Yes, that kernel only outputs spans with high unary scores, but you shouldn't need to touch that at all.

Without changing any modeling code, the spans with high unary scores (specified by this cutoff: should be available to you via top_span_starts and top_span_ends at