kentonv / etherpad-lite

Really real-time collaborative document editing for the rest of us
Apache License 2.0
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Make it so that the Authorship Colors checkbox can be unchecked "globally" instead of just for my view #4

Open hazmatzo opened 9 years ago

hazmatzo commented 9 years ago

My assumption when I would share a document would be that people would not see the different colors / history of the document. If I were to use this in a professional capacity and share a document with a client where I had set my view to not see the colors, but they had not, and I shared a multi-colored document, it would look unprofessional. I would also not necessarily expect that a document I didn't see colors on would have highlighted text when shared with someone else.

Another fix strategy I could imagine would be to have the default collaboration uncolored and to "opt-in" or "turn on" the feature.