There is a carousel which consists of cards in the form of carousels. When you click on a small picture, the numbers near the arrows change. How to avoid it? you need the numbers to change only when you scroll through the big carousel.
this is the carousel code
let cou;
let n;
.on('init afterChange', function (event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide) {
var i = (currentSlide ? currentSlide : 0) + 1,
container_slider = $(this).closest('.like-container'),
$status = container_slider.find('.slider-count');
cou = slick.slideCount;
n = i;
var c =slick.slideCount<=9?'0'+slick.slideCount:slick.slideCount;
i = i<=9?'0'+i:i;
$status.text() ? $status.children(".current").text(i) : $status.append('' + i + '' + '/' + ''+c+'');
slidesToShow: 5,
slidesToScroll: 1,
focusOnSelect: false,
arrows: true,
accessibility: false,
responsive: [
breakpoint: 1450,
settings: {
slidesToShow: 4
breakpoint: 1040,
settings: {
slidesToShow: 3
breakpoint: 700,
settings: {
slidesToShow: 2
breakpoint: 580,
settings: {
slidesToShow: 2,
arrows: false,
This is the code of the card in the carousel
var numSlick = 0;
$('.promo-gallery').each( function() {
There is a carousel which consists of cards in the form of carousels. When you click on a small picture, the numbers near the arrows change. How to avoid it? you need the numbers to change only when you scroll through the big carousel.
This is the code of the card in the carousel var numSlick = 0; $('.promo-gallery').each( function() { numSlick++;
numSlick = 0; $('.promo-gallery-p').each( function() { numSlick++;