kenwheeler / slick

the last carousel you'll ever need
MIT License
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Give this project to somebody more active #4130

Closed pablo67340 closed 1 year ago

pablo67340 commented 2 years ago

This project is dead, kenwheeler no longer develops, this project needs to live on without ken.

[ paste your jsfiddle link here ]

Click Issues > any of the 1.1k Issues

Click Pull Requests > any of the 206 PR's


Steps to reproduce the problem

Literally 1.1k ways of recreating any issue.


What is the expected behaviour?

This script to work & not to be outdated. ...


What is observed behaviour?

This script has many problems as is outdated. ...


More Details

I believe one of two things should happen this project.

  1. Archive and close this project completely if you want it to die. Put it out of it's misery (plz dont)
  2. Transfer this project to a more active developer willing to tackle this MASSIVE Issue and PR list.

Ken has a total of 11 Commits over the past year. It's safe to say he is out of the development game entirely. Let someone else take it on. I am not saying me, however I am sure there are many contributors here, even ones making PR's that would be happy to keep this project going, and take slick further.

nelsonthekat commented 2 years ago


nelsonthekat commented 2 years ago


RadioactiveDeuterium commented 2 years ago


J-Brk commented 2 years ago


kenwheeler commented 2 years ago

I'm technically not allowed to contribute to open source at my role that i've been at or a few years now. Who wants to be the successor?

pablo67340 commented 2 years ago

I'm technically not allowed to contribute to open source at my role that i've been at or a few years now. Who wants to be the successor?

If nobody steps up too the plate, I can take this on and start processing some of these PR's that seem to address many issues, however, I'd prefer if one of the many developers who've created a bunch of PR's take this role. This would be the most logical solution, assuming said developer has experience fixing bugs they've referenced in their PR's.

Appreciate the reply Ken. I know it must be difficult not being able to manage something you've started, and watch grow over the years, but I am happy to see it live on, under supervision of another active developer. Big respects

pablo67340 commented 2 years ago

That's it, I formally volunteer to take over the management of this project. What say you @kenwheeler

nelsonthekat commented 2 years ago

I nominate pablo67340 as the manager of this project, Ken. Do it for christ.

nelsonthekat commented 2 years ago


pablo67340 commented 2 years ago


nixonthekat commented 2 years ago

up+ please respond @kenwheeler I use slick in all my projects

meisemann1999 commented 1 year ago

Seconding the nomination for @pablo67340 to take this over @kenwheeler

nixonthekat commented 1 year ago

@kenwheeler I also re-nominate @pablo67340 as project owner

nelsonthekat commented 1 year ago

pov: @kenwheeler finds out i've replied in two different comments #makepablotheowner

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pablo67340 commented 1 year ago

We got access! We will get this project updated and live soon! Stay Tuned!