kenz-gelsoft / llvm-project

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Resume timed out #17

Open kenz-gelsoft opened 1 year ago

kenz-gelsoft commented 1 year ago
 <  42> send packet: $qXfer:features:read:target.xml:0,1ffff#14
 this = 0x0000105AEAA26F70, dst = 0x00007FCD8A7D9340, dst_len = 8192, timeout = 5000000 us, connection = 0x0000105AEA8FA360
 this = 0x0000105AEA8FA360, timeout = 5000000 us
 0x0000105AEAA26F70 Communication::Write (src = 0x0000105AEAA00E38, src_len = %lu) connection = 11
 0x105aea8fa360 ConnectionFileDescriptor::Write (src = 0x105aeaa00e38, src_len = 11)
 0x105aea8fa360 ConnectionFileDescriptor::Write(fd = 4, src = 0x105aeaa00e38, src_len = 11) => 11 (error = (null))
 <  11> send packet: $qEcho:1#5b
 this = 0x0000105AEAA26F70, dst = 0x00007FCD8A7D7180, dst_len = 8192, timeout = 5000000 us, connection = 0x0000105AEA8FA360
 this = 0x0000105AEA8FA360, timeout = 5000000 us
 this = 0x0000105AEAA26F70, dst = 0x00007FCD8A7D7180, dst_len = 8192, timeout = 5000000 us, connection = 0x0000105AEA8FA360
 this = 0x0000105AEA8FA360, timeout = 5000000 us
 this = 0x0000105AEAA26F70, dst = 0x00007FCD8A7D7180, dst_len = 8192, timeout = 5000000 us, connection = 0x0000105AEA8FA360
 this = 0x0000105AEA8FA360, timeout = 5000000 us
 0x0000105AEAA26F70 Communication::Disconnect ()
 0x105aea8fa360 ConnectionFileDescriptor::Disconnect ()
 0x0000105AEA909488 Broadcaster::Broadcaster("lldb.thread")
 0x105aea909450 Thread::Thread(tid = 0x2ff0)
 0x105aea78fae0 Listener::StartListeningForEvents (broadcaster = 0x105aea909488, mask = 0x00000011) acquired_mask = 0x00000011 for lldb.Debugger
 this = 0x0000105AEA909450, pid = 12272, tid = 12272
 Process::SetPrivateState (stopped)
 Process::SetPrivateState (stopped) stop_id = 1
 0x105aea973180 Broadcaster("lldb.process.internal_state_broadcaster")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x105aeaa00f20 Event: broadcaster = 0x105aeaa26760 (lldb.process.internal_state_broadcaster), type = 0x00000001, data = { process = 0x105aeaa266a0 (pid = 12272), state = stopped}}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x105aea8c77c0 Listener('lldb.process.internal_state_listener')::AddEvent (event_sp = {0x105aeaa00f20})
 timeout = 10000000 us, event_sp)...
 this = 0x0000105AEA8C77C0, timeout = 10000000 us for lldb.process.internal_state_listener
 0x105aea8c77c0 'lldb.process.internal_state_listener' Listener::FindNextEventInternal(broadcaster=0x105aeaa26760, broadcaster_names=(nil)[0], event_type_mask=0x00000003, remove=1) event 0x105aeaa00f20
 timeout = 10000000 us, event_sp) => stopped
 gdb-remote had process architecture, using x86_64 x86_64-unknown-haiku
 analyzing target arch, currently x86_64 x86_64-unknown-haiku
 final target arch after adjustments for remote architecture: x86_64 x86_64-unknown-haiku
 GDBRemoteCommunicationClient::GetSupportedStructuredDataPlugins(): QSupportedAsyncJSONPackets unsupported
 DynamicLoaderDarwin::UseDYLDSPI: Use old DynamicLoader plugin
 DynamicLoaderDarwin::UseDYLDSPI: Use old DynamicLoader plugin
 JITLoaderGDB::SetJITBreakpoint looking for JIT register hook
 Check if need to update ignored signals
 Process::SetPublicState (state = stopped, restarted = 0)
 Process::StartPrivateStateThread() starting private state thread 
 Process::ControlPrivateStateThread (signal = 4)
 Sending control event of type: 4.
 0x105aea9732b0 Broadcaster("lldb.process.internal_state_control_broadcaster")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x105aea8e6640 Event: broadcaster = 0x105aeaa26790 (lldb.process.internal_state_control_broadcaster), type = 0x00000004 (control-resume), data = {Generic Event Data}}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x105aea8c77c0 Listener('lldb.process.internal_state_listener')::AddEvent (event_sp = {0x105aea8e6640})
 thread created
 Process::RunPrivateStateThread (arg = 0x105aeaa266a0, pid = 12272) thread starting...
 timeout = <infinite>, event_sp)...
 this = 0x0000105AEA8C77C0, timeout = <infinite> for lldb.process.internal_state_listener
 0x105aea8c77c0 'lldb.process.internal_state_listener' Listener::FindNextEventInternal(broadcaster=0x105aeaa26790, broadcaster_names=(nil)[0], event_type_mask=0x00000000, remove=1) event 0x105aea8e6640
 Process::RunPrivateStateThread (arg = 0x105aeaa266a0, pid = 12272) got a control event: 4
 timeout = <infinite>
 Process::WaitForProcessToStop returning without waiting for events; process private and public states are already 'stopped'.
 timeout = <infinite>, event_sp)...
 pid 12272 state 12272
 this = 0x0000105AEA8C77C0, timeout = <infinite> for lldb.process.internal_state_listener
 0x105aea8fa4a0 ConnectionFileDescriptor::ConnectionFileDescriptor (fd = 3, owns_fd = 1)
 0x105aea8fa4a0 ConnectionFileDescriptor::CloseCommandPipe()
 0x105aea8fa4a0 ConnectionFileDescriptor::OpenCommandPipe() - success readfd=4 writefd=5
 0x0000105AEAA26B28 Communication::Disconnect ()
 0x0000105AEAA26B28 Communication::StartReadThread ()
 thread created
 hooked up STDIO pty to process
 0x105aeaa26b28 Communication::ReadThread () thread starting...
 timeout = <infinite>
 Process::WaitForProcessToStop returning without waiting for events; process private and public states are already 'stopped'.
 this = 0x0000105AEA8FA4A0, timeout = 5000000 us
 0x0000105AEA973050 Broadcaster("lldb.process")::RestoreBroadcaster (about to pop listener("lldb.PlatformLinux.DebugProcess.hijack")=0x0000105AEA8C7980)
 Process::PrivateResume() m_stop_id = 1, public state: stopped private state: stopped
 Check if need to update ignored signals
 0x105aea8fa4a0 ConnectionFileDescriptor::Read()  fd = 3, dst = 0x7fc68527c400, dst_len = 1024) => 24, error = (null)
 0x0000105AEAA26B28 Communication::AppendBytesToCache (src = 0x00007FC68527C400, src_len = 24, broadcast = true)
 0x0000105AEA909128 Broadcaster::Broadcaster("lldb.thread")
 0x105aea9090f0 Thread::Thread(tid = 0x2ff1)
 0x105aea973050 Broadcaster("lldb.process")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x105aeaa433a0 Event: broadcaster = 0x105aeaa266d8 (lldb.process), type = 0x00000004 (stdout-available), data = { process = 0x105aeaa266a0 (pid = 12272), state = stopped}}, unique =1) hijack = (nil)
 0x105aea78fae0 Listener::StartListeningForEvents (broadcaster = 0x105aea909128, mask = 0x00000011) acquired_mask = 0x00000011 for lldb.Debugger
 0x105aea78fae0 Listener('lldb.Debugger')::AddEvent (event_sp = {0x105aeaa433a0})
 this = 0x0000105AEA9090F0, pid = 12272, tid = 12273
 this = 0x0000105AEA8FA4A0, timeout = 5000000 us
 Discarding thread plans for thread (tid = 0x2ff0, force 1)
 0x105aea78fae0 'lldb.Debugger' Listener::FindNextEventInternal(broadcaster=(nil), broadcaster_names=(nil)[0], event_type_mask=0x00000000, remove=1) event 0x105aeaa433a0
 Thread::PushPlan(0x0x105aea909450): "Base thread plan.", tid = 0x2ff0.
 Discarding thread plans for thread (tid = 0x2ff1, force 1)
 Process::GetSTDOUT (buf = 0x7fc3ed1a2300, size = 1024)
 Thread::PushPlan(0x0x105aea9090f0): "Base thread plan.", tid = 0x2ff1.
Hello, World
 0x105aea909450: tid = 0x2ff0: stop info = <NULL> (stop_id = 1)
 this = 0x0000105AEA78FAE0, timeout = <infinite> for lldb.Debugger
 WillResume Thread #1 (0x0x105aea909450): tid = 0x2ff0, pc = 0xffffffffffffffff, sp = 0xffffffffffffffff, fp = 0xffffffffffffffff, plan = 'base plan', state = running, stop others = 0
 Resuming thread: 2ff0 with state: running.
 0x105aea9090f0: tid = 0x2ff1: stop info = <NULL> (stop_id = 1)
 WillResume Thread #2 (0x0x105aea9090f0): tid = 0x2ff1, pc = 0xffffffffffffffff, sp = 0xffffffffffffffff, fp = 0xffffffffffffffff, plan = 'base plan', state = running, stop others = 0
 Resuming thread: 2ff1 with state: running.
 0x105aea9c4650 Listener::Listener('gdb-remote.resume-packet-sent')
 0x105aea9c4650 Listener::StartListeningForEvents (broadcaster = 0x105aeaa26f70, mask = 0x00010000) acquired_mask = 0x00010000 for gdb-remote.resume-packet-sent
 0x105aea9c4650 Listener::StartListeningForEvents (broadcaster = 0x105aeaa27580, mask = 0x00000004) acquired_mask = 0x00000004 for gdb-remote.resume-packet-sent
 0x105aeaa11530 Broadcaster("lldb.process.gdb-remote.async-broadcaster")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x105aea8e6780 Event: broadcaster = 0x105aeaa27580 (lldb.process.gdb-remote.async-broadcaster), type = 0x00000001 (async thread continue), data = {"c"}}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x105aea8c7a60 Listener('lldb.process.gdb-remote.async-listener')::AddEvent (event_sp = {0x105aea8e6780})
 this = 0x0000105AEA9C4650, timeout = 5000000 us for gdb-remote.resume-packet-sent
 0x105aea8c7a60 'lldb.process.gdb-remote.async-listener' Listener::FindNextEventInternal(broadcaster=(nil), broadcaster_names=(nil)[0], event_type_mask=0x00000000, remove=1) event 0x105aea8e6780
 ProcessGDBRemote::AsyncThread (arg = 0x105aeaa266a0, pid = 12272) Got an event of type: 1...
 ProcessGDBRemote::AsyncThread (arg = 0x105aeaa266a0, pid = 12272) got eBroadcastBitAsyncContinue: c
 Process::SetPrivateState (running)
 0x105aea973180 Broadcaster("lldb.process.internal_state_broadcaster")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x105aeaa3f430 Event: broadcaster = 0x105aeaa26760 (lldb.process.internal_state_broadcaster), type = 0x00000001, data = { process = 0x105aeaa266a0 (pid = 12272), state = running}}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x105aea8c77c0 Listener('lldb.process.internal_state_listener')::AddEvent (event_sp = {0x105aeaa3f430})
 GDBRemoteClientBase::ContinueLock::lock() resuming with c
 0x105aea8c77c0 'lldb.process.internal_state_listener' Listener::FindNextEventInternal(broadcaster=(nil), broadcaster_names=(nil)[0], event_type_mask=0x00000000, remove=1) event 0x105aeaa3f430
 Process::SetExitStatus (status=-1 (0xffffffff), description="lost connection")
 Current Plan for thread 1(0x105aea909450) (0x2ff0, running): base plan being asked whether we should report run.
 Process::SetPrivateState (exited)
 Current Plan for thread 2(0x105aea9090f0) (0x2ff1, running): base plan being asked whether we should report run.
 Process::ShouldBroadcastEvent (0x105aeaa3f430) => new state: running, last broadcast state: running - YES
 Process::SetPrivateState (exited) stop_id = 2
 Process::HandlePrivateEvent (pid = 12272) broadcasting new state running (old state stopped) to public
 Process::PushProcessIOHandler pushing IO handler
 0x105aea973180 Broadcaster("lldb.process.internal_state_broadcaster")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x105aeaa3f3b0 Event: broadcaster = 0x105aeaa26760 (lldb.process.internal_state_broadcaster), type = 0x00000001, data = { process = 0x105aeaa266a0 (pid = 12272), state = exited}}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 Process::HandlePrivateEvent updated m_iohandler_sync to 1
 0x105aea8c77c0 Listener('lldb.process.internal_state_listener')::AddEvent (event_sp = {0x105aeaa3f3b0})
 0x0000105AEAA26F70 Communication::Disconnect ()
 0x105aea973050 Broadcaster("lldb.process")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x105aeaa3f430 Event: broadcaster = 0x105aeaa266d8 (lldb.process), type = 0x00000001 (state-changed), data = { process = 0x105aeaa266a0 (pid = 12272), state = running}}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x105aea8fa360 ConnectionFileDescriptor::Disconnect ()
 0x105aea78fae0 Listener('lldb.Debugger')::AddEvent (event_sp = {0x105aeaa3f430})
 0x105aea8fa360 ConnectionFileDescriptor::Disconnect(): Nothing to disconnect
 timeout = <infinite>, event_sp)...
 ProcessGDBRemote::AsyncThread (arg = 0x105aeaa266a0, pid = 12272) listener.WaitForEvent (NULL, event_sp)...
 0x105aea78fae0 'lldb.Debugger' Listener::FindNextEventInternal(broadcaster=(nil), broadcaster_names=(nil)[0], event_type_mask=0x00000000, remove=1) event 0x105aeaa3f430
 this = 0x0000105AEA8C77C0, timeout = <infinite> for lldb.process.internal_state_listener
 Process::SetPublicState (state = running, restarted = 0)
 this = 0x0000105AEA8C7A60, timeout = <infinite> for lldb.process.gdb-remote.async-listener
 0x105aea8c77c0 'lldb.process.internal_state_listener' Listener::FindNextEventInternal(broadcaster=(nil), broadcaster_names=(nil)[0], event_type_mask=0x00000000, remove=1) event 0x105aeaa3f3b0
 this = 0x0000105AEA78FAE0, timeout = <infinite> for lldb.Debugger
 0x105aeaa4f390 Listener::Listener('Communication::SyncronizeWithReadThread')
 0x105aeaa4f390 Listener::StartListeningForEvents (broadcaster = 0x105aeaa26b28, mask = 0x00000020) acquired_mask = 0x00000020 for Communication::SyncronizeWithReadThread
 this = 0x0000105AEAA4F390, timeout = <infinite> for Communication::SyncronizeWithReadThread
 0x105aea9733e0 Broadcaster("process.stdio")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x105aeaa433a0 Event: broadcaster = 0x105aeaa26b28 (process.stdio), type = 0x00000020 (no more pending input), data = <NULL>}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x105aeaa4f390 Listener('Communication::SyncronizeWithReadThread')::AddEvent (event_sp = {0x105aeaa433a0})
 0x105aeaa4f390 'Communication::SyncronizeWithReadThread' Listener::FindNextEventInternal(broadcaster=(nil), broadcaster_names=(nil)[0], event_type_mask=0x00000000, remove=1) event 0x105aeaa433a0
 this = 0x0000105AEA8FA4A0, timeout = 5000000 us
 0x105aeaa4f390 Listener::Clear('Communication::SyncronizeWithReadThread')
 0x105aeaa4f390 Listener::~Listener('Communication::SyncronizeWithReadThread')
 0x0000105AEAA26B28 Communication::StopReadThread ()
 0x105aea9733e0 Broadcaster("process.stdio")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x105aeaa4f3f0 Event: broadcaster = 0x105aeaa26b28 (process.stdio), type = 0x00000008 (read thread should exit), data = <NULL>}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x105aea9c4650 Listener::GetEventInternal() timed out for gdb-remote.resume-packet-sent
 ProcessGDBRemote::DoResume: Resume timed out.
 0x105aea9c4650 Listener::Clear('gdb-remote.resume-packet-sent')
 0x105aea9c4650 Listener::~Listener('gdb-remote.resume-packet-sent')
 Process::PrivateResume() DoResume failed.
 HandleCommand, command did not succeed
error: process resume at entry point failed: Resume timed out.
 error: timed out, status = timed out
 0x105aeaa26b28 Communication::ReadThread () thread exiting...
 0x105aea9733e0 Broadcaster("process.stdio")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x105aeaa433a0 Event: broadcaster = 0x105aeaa26b28 (process.stdio), type = 0x00000020 (no more pending input), data = <NULL>}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x105aea9733e0 Broadcaster("process.stdio")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x105aeaa433a0 Event: broadcaster = 0x105aeaa26b28 (process.stdio), type = 0x00000004 (read thread did exit), data = <NULL>}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x0000105AEAA26B28 Communication::Disconnect ()
 0x105aea8fa4a0 ConnectionFileDescriptor::Disconnect ()
 Process::ShouldBroadcastEvent (0x105aeaa3f3b0) => new state: exited, last broadcast state: exited - YES
 Process::HandlePrivateEvent (pid = 12272) broadcasting new state exited (old state running) to public
 0x105aea973050 Broadcaster("lldb.process")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x105aeaa3f3b0 Event: broadcaster = 0x105aeaa266d8 (lldb.process), type = 0x00000001 (state-changed), data = { process = 0x105aeaa266a0 (pid = 12272), state = exited}}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x105aea78fae0 Listener('lldb.Debugger')::AddEvent (event_sp = {0x105aeaa3f3b0})
 Process::RunPrivateStateThread (arg = 0x105aeaa266a0, pid = 12272) about to exit with internal state exited...
 Process::RunPrivateStateThread (arg = 0x105aeaa266a0, pid = 12272) thread exiting...
 0x105aea78fae0 'lldb.Debugger' Listener::FindNextEventInternal(broadcaster=(nil), broadcaster_names=(nil)[0], event_type_mask=0x00000000, remove=1) event 0x105aeaa3f3b0
 Process::SetPublicState (state = exited, restarted = 0)
 Process::SetPublicState (exited) -- unlocking run lock
Process 12272 exited with status = -1 (0xffffffff) lost connection
(lldb)  this = 0x0000105AEA78FAE0, timeout = <infinite> for lldb.Debugger
 MonitorChildProcessThreadFunction ::waitpid (pid = 12269, &status, options = 0) => pid = 12269, status = 0x00000b00 (SIGNALED), signal = 11, exit_state = -1
 ProcessGDBRemote::MonitorDebugserverProcess(process_wp, pid=12269, signo=11 (0xb), exit_status=-1)
 ProcessGDBRemote::MonitorDebugserverProcess(process = 0x105aeaa266a0)
 MonitorChildProcessThreadFunction (arg = 0x105aeaa13660) thread exiting because pid received exit signal...
 MonitorChildProcessThreadFunction (arg = 0x105aeaa13660) thread exiting...
kenz-gelsoft commented 1 year ago
 <  42> send packet: $qXfer:features:read:target.xml:0,1ffff#14
 this = 0x0000113E4CC2DF70, dst = 0x00007FA162343340, dst_len = 8192, timeout = 5000000 us, connection = 0x0000113E4CB01360
 this = 0x0000113E4CB01360, timeout = 5000000 us
 0x0000113E4CC2DF70 Communication::Write (src = 0x0000113E4CC07E38, src_len = %lu) connection = 11
 0x113e4cb01360 ConnectionFileDescriptor::Write (src = 0x113e4cc07e38, src_len = 11)
 0x113e4cb01360 ConnectionFileDescriptor::Write(fd = 4, src = 0x113e4cc07e38, src_len = 11) => 11 (error = (null))
 <  11> send packet: $qEcho:1#5b
 this = 0x0000113E4CC2DF70, dst = 0x00007FA162341180, dst_len = 8192, timeout = 5000000 us, connection = 0x0000113E4CB01360
 this = 0x0000113E4CB01360, timeout = 5000000 us
 MonitorChildProcessThreadFunction ::waitpid (pid = 14942, &status, options = 0) => pid = 14942, status = 0x00001500 (SIGNALED), signal = 21, exit_state = -1
 ProcessGDBRemote::MonitorDebugserverProcess(process_wp, pid=14942, signo=21 (0x15), exit_status=-1)
 ProcessGDBRemote::MonitorDebugserverProcess(process = 0x113e4cc2d6a0)
 0x113e4cb01360 ConnectionFileDescriptor::Read()  fd = 4, dst = 0x7fa162341180, dst_len = 8192) => 0, error = (null)
 0x0000113E4CC2DF70 Communication::Disconnect ()
 0x113e4cb01360 ConnectionFileDescriptor::Disconnect ()
 0x0000113E4CC2DF70 Communication::Disconnect ()
 0x113e4cb01360 ConnectionFileDescriptor::Disconnect ()
 0x113e4cb01360 ConnectionFileDescriptor::Disconnect(): Nothing to disconnect
 0x0000113E4CB10488 Broadcaster::Broadcaster("lldb.thread")
 0x113e4cb10450 Thread::Thread(tid = 0x3a61)
 0x113e4c996ae0 Listener::StartListeningForEvents (broadcaster = 0x113e4cb10488, mask = 0x00000011) acquired_mask = 0x00000011 for lldb.Debugger
 this = 0x0000113E4CB10450, pid = 14945, tid = 14945
 Process::SetPrivateState (stopped)
 Process::SetPrivateState (stopped) stop_id = 1
 0x113e4cb7a180 Broadcaster("lldb.process.internal_state_broadcaster")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x113e4cc07f20 Event: broadcaster = 0x113e4cc2d760 (lldb.process.internal_state_broadcaster), type = 0x00000001, data = { process = 0x113e4cc2d6a0 (pid = 14945), state = stopped}}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x113e4cace7c0 Listener('lldb.process.internal_state_listener')::AddEvent (event_sp = {0x113e4cc07f20})
 timeout = 10000000 us, event_sp)...
 this = 0x0000113E4CACE7C0, timeout = 10000000 us for lldb.process.internal_state_listener
 0x113e4cace7c0 'lldb.process.internal_state_listener' Listener::FindNextEventInternal(broadcaster=0x113e4cc2d760, broadcaster_names=(nil)[0], event_type_mask=0x00000003, remove=1) event 0x113e4cc07f20
 timeout = 10000000 us, event_sp) => stopped
 gdb-remote had process architecture, using x86_64 x86_64-unknown-haiku
 analyzing target arch, currently x86_64 x86_64-unknown-haiku
 final target arch after adjustments for remote architecture: x86_64 x86_64-unknown-haiku
 GDBRemoteCommunicationClient::GetSupportedStructuredDataPlugins(): QSupportedAsyncJSONPackets unsupported
 DynamicLoaderDarwin::UseDYLDSPI: Use old DynamicLoader plugin
 DynamicLoaderDarwin::UseDYLDSPI: Use old DynamicLoader plugin
 JITLoaderGDB::SetJITBreakpoint looking for JIT register hook
 Check if need to update ignored signals
 Process::SetPublicState (state = stopped, restarted = 0)
 Process::StartPrivateStateThread() starting private state thread 
 Process::ControlPrivateStateThread (signal = 4)
 Sending control event of type: 4.
 thread created
 0x113e4cb7a2b0 Broadcaster("lldb.process.internal_state_control_broadcaster")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x113e4caed640 Event: broadcaster = 0x113e4cc2d790 (lldb.process.internal_state_control_broadcaster), type = 0x00000004 (control-resume), data = {Generic Event Data}}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 Process::RunPrivateStateThread (arg = 0x113e4cc2d6a0, pid = 14945) thread starting...
 0x113e4cace7c0 Listener('lldb.process.internal_state_listener')::AddEvent (event_sp = {0x113e4caed640})
 timeout = <infinite>, event_sp)...
 this = 0x0000113E4CACE7C0, timeout = <infinite> for lldb.process.internal_state_listener
 0x113e4cace7c0 'lldb.process.internal_state_listener' Listener::FindNextEventInternal(broadcaster=0x113e4cc2d790, broadcaster_names=(nil)[0], event_type_mask=0x00000000, remove=1) event 0x113e4caed640
 timeout = <infinite>
 Process::RunPrivateStateThread (arg = 0x113e4cc2d6a0, pid = 14945) got a control event: 4
 Process::WaitForProcessToStop returning without waiting for events; process private and public states are already 'stopped'.
 timeout = <infinite>, event_sp)...
 pid 14945 state 14945
 0x113e4cb014a0 ConnectionFileDescriptor::ConnectionFileDescriptor (fd = 3, owns_fd = 1)
 this = 0x0000113E4CACE7C0, timeout = <infinite> for lldb.process.internal_state_listener
 0x113e4cb014a0 ConnectionFileDescriptor::CloseCommandPipe()
 0x113e4cb014a0 ConnectionFileDescriptor::OpenCommandPipe() - success readfd=4 writefd=5
 0x0000113E4CC2DB28 Communication::Disconnect ()
 0x0000113E4CC2DB28 Communication::StartReadThread ()
 hooked up STDIO pty to process
 thread created
 timeout = <infinite>
 0x113e4cc2db28 Communication::ReadThread () thread starting...
 Process::WaitForProcessToStop returning without waiting for events; process private and public states are already 'stopped'.
 0x0000113E4CB7A050 Broadcaster("lldb.process")::RestoreBroadcaster (about to pop listener("lldb.PlatformLinux.DebugProcess.hijack")=0x0000113E4CACE980)
 this = 0x0000113E4CB014A0, timeout = 5000000 us
 Process::PrivateResume() m_stop_id = 1, public state: stopped private state: stopped
 Check if need to update ignored signals
 0x0000113E4CB10128 Broadcaster::Broadcaster("lldb.thread")
 0x113e4cb100f0 Thread::Thread(tid = 0x3a62)
 0x113e4c996ae0 Listener::StartListeningForEvents (broadcaster = 0x113e4cb10128, mask = 0x00000011) acquired_mask = 0x00000011 for lldb.Debugger
 this = 0x0000113E4CB100F0, pid = 14945, tid = 14946
 Discarding thread plans for thread (tid = 0x3a61, force 1)
 Thread::PushPlan(0x0x113e4cb10450): "Base thread plan.", tid = 0x3a61.
 Discarding thread plans for thread (tid = 0x3a62, force 1)
 Thread::PushPlan(0x0x113e4cb100f0): "Base thread plan.", tid = 0x3a62.
 0x113e4cb10450: tid = 0x3a61: stop info = <NULL> (stop_id = 1)
 WillResume Thread #1 (0x0x113e4cb10450): tid = 0x3a61, pc = 0xffffffffffffffff, sp = 0xffffffffffffffff, fp = 0xffffffffffffffff, plan = 'base plan', state = running, stop others = 0
 Resuming thread: 3a61 with state: running.
 0x113e4cb100f0: tid = 0x3a62: stop info = <NULL> (stop_id = 1)
 WillResume Thread #2 (0x0x113e4cb100f0): tid = 0x3a62, pc = 0xffffffffffffffff, sp = 0xffffffffffffffff, fp = 0xffffffffffffffff, plan = 'base plan', state = running, stop others = 0
 Resuming thread: 3a62 with state: running.
 0x113e4cbcb650 Listener::Listener('gdb-remote.resume-packet-sent')
 0x113e4cbcb650 Listener::StartListeningForEvents (broadcaster = 0x113e4cc2df70, mask = 0x00010000) acquired_mask = 0x00010000 for gdb-remote.resume-packet-sent
 0x113e4cbcb650 Listener::StartListeningForEvents (broadcaster = 0x113e4cc2e580, mask = 0x00000004) acquired_mask = 0x00000004 for gdb-remote.resume-packet-sent
 0x113e4cc18530 Broadcaster("lldb.process.gdb-remote.async-broadcaster")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x113e4caed780 Event: broadcaster = 0x113e4cc2e580 (lldb.process.gdb-remote.async-broadcaster), type = 0x00000001 (async thread continue), data = {"c"}}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x113e4cacea60 Listener('lldb.process.gdb-remote.async-listener')::AddEvent (event_sp = {0x113e4caed780})
 this = 0x0000113E4CBCB650, timeout = 5000000 us for gdb-remote.resume-packet-sent
 0x113e4cacea60 'lldb.process.gdb-remote.async-listener' Listener::FindNextEventInternal(broadcaster=(nil), broadcaster_names=(nil)[0], event_type_mask=0x00000000, remove=1) event 0x113e4caed780
 ProcessGDBRemote::AsyncThread (arg = 0x113e4cc2d6a0, pid = 14945) Got an event of type: 1...
 ProcessGDBRemote::AsyncThread (arg = 0x113e4cc2d6a0, pid = 14945) got eBroadcastBitAsyncContinue: c
 Process::SetPrivateState (running)
 0x113e4cb7a180 Broadcaster("lldb.process.internal_state_broadcaster")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x113e4cc48430 Event: broadcaster = 0x113e4cc2d760 (lldb.process.internal_state_broadcaster), type = 0x00000001, data = { process = 0x113e4cc2d6a0 (pid = 14945), state = running}}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x113e4cace7c0 Listener('lldb.process.internal_state_listener')::AddEvent (event_sp = {0x113e4cc48430})
 GDBRemoteClientBase::ContinueLock::lock() resuming with c
 Process::SetExitStatus (status=-1 (0xffffffff), description="lost connection")
 Process::SetPrivateState (exited)
 0x113e4cace7c0 'lldb.process.internal_state_listener' Listener::FindNextEventInternal(broadcaster=(nil), broadcaster_names=(nil)[0], event_type_mask=0x00000000, remove=1) event 0x113e4cc48430
 Process::SetPrivateState (exited) stop_id = 2
 0x113e4cb7a180 Broadcaster("lldb.process.internal_state_broadcaster")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x113e4cc483b0 Event: broadcaster = 0x113e4cc2d760 (lldb.process.internal_state_broadcaster), type = 0x00000001, data = { process = 0x113e4cc2d6a0 (pid = 14945), state = exited}}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x113e4cace7c0 Listener('lldb.process.internal_state_listener')::AddEvent (event_sp = {0x113e4cc483b0})
 0x0000113E4CC2DF70 Communication::Disconnect ()
 Current Plan for thread 1(0x113e4cb10450) (0x3a61, running): base plan being asked whether we should report run.
 0x113e4cb01360 ConnectionFileDescriptor::Disconnect ()
 Current Plan for thread 2(0x113e4cb100f0) (0x3a62, running): base plan being asked whether we should report run.
 0x113e4cb01360 ConnectionFileDescriptor::Disconnect(): Nothing to disconnect
 Process::ShouldBroadcastEvent (0x113e4cc48430) => new state: running, last broadcast state: running - YES
 ProcessGDBRemote::AsyncThread (arg = 0x113e4cc2d6a0, pid = 14945) listener.WaitForEvent (NULL, event_sp)...
 Process::HandlePrivateEvent (pid = 14945) broadcasting new state running (old state stopped) to public
 Process::PushProcessIOHandler pushing IO handler
 this = 0x0000113E4CACEA60, timeout = <infinite> for lldb.process.gdb-remote.async-listener
 Process::HandlePrivateEvent updated m_iohandler_sync to 1
 0x113e4cb7a050 Broadcaster("lldb.process")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x113e4cc48430 Event: broadcaster = 0x113e4cc2d6d8 (lldb.process), type = 0x00000001 (state-changed), data = { process = 0x113e4cc2d6a0 (pid = 14945), state = running}}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x113e4c996ae0 Listener('lldb.Debugger')::AddEvent (event_sp = {0x113e4cc48430})
 timeout = <infinite>, event_sp)...
 0x113e4c996ae0 'lldb.Debugger' Listener::FindNextEventInternal(broadcaster=(nil), broadcaster_names=(nil)[0], event_type_mask=0x00000000, remove=1) event 0x113e4cc48430
 this = 0x0000113E4CACE7C0, timeout = <infinite> for lldb.process.internal_state_listener
 Process::SetPublicState (state = running, restarted = 0)
 0x113e4cace7c0 'lldb.process.internal_state_listener' Listener::FindNextEventInternal(broadcaster=(nil), broadcaster_names=(nil)[0], event_type_mask=0x00000000, remove=1) event 0x113e4cc483b0
 this = 0x0000113E4C996AE0, timeout = <infinite> for lldb.Debugger
 0x113e4cc5e390 Listener::Listener('Communication::SyncronizeWithReadThread')
 0x113e4cc5e390 Listener::StartListeningForEvents (broadcaster = 0x113e4cc2db28, mask = 0x00000020) acquired_mask = 0x00000020 for Communication::SyncronizeWithReadThread
 this = 0x0000113E4CC5E390, timeout = <infinite> for Communication::SyncronizeWithReadThread
 0x113e4cb7a3e0 Broadcaster("process.stdio")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x113e4cc66220 Event: broadcaster = 0x113e4cc2db28 (process.stdio), type = 0x00000020 (no more pending input), data = <NULL>}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x113e4cc5e390 Listener('Communication::SyncronizeWithReadThread')::AddEvent (event_sp = {0x113e4cc66220})
 this = 0x0000113E4CB014A0, timeout = 5000000 us
 0x113e4cc5e390 'Communication::SyncronizeWithReadThread' Listener::FindNextEventInternal(broadcaster=(nil), broadcaster_names=(nil)[0], event_type_mask=0x00000000, remove=1) event 0x113e4cc66220
 0x113e4cc5e390 Listener::Clear('Communication::SyncronizeWithReadThread')
 0x113e4cc5e390 Listener::~Listener('Communication::SyncronizeWithReadThread')
 0x0000113E4CC2DB28 Communication::StopReadThread ()
 0x113e4cb7a3e0 Broadcaster("process.stdio")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x113e4cc5e3f0 Event: broadcaster = 0x113e4cc2db28 (process.stdio), type = 0x00000008 (read thread should exit), data = <NULL>}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 Process::SetExitStatus (status=-1 (0xffffffff), description="debugserver died with signal SIGTTIN")
 Process::SetExitStatus () ignoring exit status because state was already set to eStateExited
 MonitorChildProcessThreadFunction (arg = 0x113e4cc1a660) thread exiting because pid received exit signal...
 MonitorChildProcessThreadFunction (arg = 0x113e4cc1a660) thread exiting...
 0x113e4cbcb650 Listener::GetEventInternal() timed out for gdb-remote.resume-packet-sent
 ProcessGDBRemote::DoResume: Resume timed out.
 0x113e4cbcb650 Listener::Clear('gdb-remote.resume-packet-sent')
 0x113e4cbcb650 Listener::~Listener('gdb-remote.resume-packet-sent')
 Process::PrivateResume() DoResume failed.
 HandleCommand, command did not succeed
error: process resume at entry point failed: Resume timed out.
 error: timed out, status = timed out
 0x113e4cc2db28 Communication::ReadThread () thread exiting...
 0x113e4cb7a3e0 Broadcaster("process.stdio")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x113e4cc62220 Event: broadcaster = 0x113e4cc2db28 (process.stdio), type = 0x00000020 (no more pending input), data = <NULL>}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x113e4cb7a3e0 Broadcaster("process.stdio")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x113e4cc62220 Event: broadcaster = 0x113e4cc2db28 (process.stdio), type = 0x00000004 (read thread did exit), data = <NULL>}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x0000113E4CC2DB28 Communication::Disconnect ()
 0x113e4cb014a0 ConnectionFileDescriptor::Disconnect ()
 Process::ShouldBroadcastEvent (0x113e4cc483b0) => new state: exited, last broadcast state: exited - YES
 Process::HandlePrivateEvent (pid = 14945) broadcasting new state exited (old state running) to public
 0x113e4cb7a050 Broadcaster("lldb.process")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x113e4cc483b0 Event: broadcaster = 0x113e4cc2d6d8 (lldb.process), type = 0x00000001 (state-changed), data = { process = 0x113e4cc2d6a0 (pid = 14945), state = exited}}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x113e4c996ae0 Listener('lldb.Debugger')::AddEvent (event_sp = {0x113e4cc483b0})
 Process::RunPrivateStateThread (arg = 0x113e4cc2d6a0, pid = 14945) about to exit with internal state exited...
 Process::RunPrivateStateThread (arg = 0x113e4cc2d6a0, pid = 14945) thread exiting...
 0x113e4c996ae0 'lldb.Debugger' Listener::FindNextEventInternal(broadcaster=(nil), broadcaster_names=(nil)[0], event_type_mask=0x00000000, remove=1) event 0x113e4cc483b0
 Process::SetPublicState (state = exited, restarted = 0)
 Process::SetPublicState (exited) -- unlocking run lock
Process 14945 exited with status = -1 (0xffffffff) lost connection
(lldb)  this = 0x0000113E4C996AE0, timeout = <infinite> for lldb.Debugger
kenz-gelsoft commented 1 year ago
 <  42> send packet: $qXfer:features:read:target.xml:0,1ffff#14
 this = 0x000011ED0F064F70, dst = 0x00007FC4EB09B390, dst_len = 8192, timeout = 5000000 us, connection = 0x000011ED0EF38360
 this = 0x000011ED0EF38360, timeout = 5000000 us
 MonitorChildProcessThreadFunction ::waitpid (pid = 15199, &status, options = 0) => pid = 15199, status = 0x00001500 (SIGNALED), signal = 21, exit_state = -1
 ProcessGDBRemote::MonitorDebugserverProcess(process_wp, pid=15199, signo=21 (0x15), exit_status=-1)
 ProcessGDBRemote::MonitorDebugserverProcess(process = 0x11ed0f0646a0)
 0x11ed0ef38360 ConnectionFileDescriptor::Read()  fd = 4, dst = 0x7fc4eb09b390, dst_len = 8192) => 0, error = (null)
 0x000011ED0F064F70 Communication::Disconnect ()
 0x11ed0ef38360 ConnectionFileDescriptor::Disconnect ()
 0x000011ED0EF47488 Broadcaster::Broadcaster("lldb.thread")
 0x11ed0ef47450 Thread::Thread(tid = 0x3b62)
 0x11ed0edcdae0 Listener::StartListeningForEvents (broadcaster = 0x11ed0ef47488, mask = 0x00000011) acquired_mask = 0x00000011 for lldb.Debugger
 this = 0x000011ED0EF47450, pid = 15202, tid = 15202
 Process::SetPrivateState (stopped)
 Process::SetPrivateState (stopped) stop_id = 1
 0x11ed0efb1180 Broadcaster("lldb.process.internal_state_broadcaster")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x11ed0f03ef60 Event: broadcaster = 0x11ed0f064760 (lldb.process.internal_state_broadcaster), type = 0x00000001, data = { process = 0x11ed0f0646a0 (pid = 15202), state = stopped}}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x11ed0ef057c0 Listener('lldb.process.internal_state_listener')::AddEvent (event_sp = {0x11ed0f03ef60})
 timeout = 10000000 us, event_sp)...
 this = 0x000011ED0EF057C0, timeout = 10000000 us for lldb.process.internal_state_listener
 0x11ed0ef057c0 'lldb.process.internal_state_listener' Listener::FindNextEventInternal(broadcaster=0x11ed0f064760, broadcaster_names=(nil)[0], event_type_mask=0x00000003, remove=1) event 0x11ed0f03ef60
 timeout = 10000000 us, event_sp) => stopped
 gdb-remote had process architecture, using x86_64 x86_64-unknown-haiku
 analyzing target arch, currently x86_64 x86_64-unknown-haiku
 final target arch after adjustments for remote architecture: x86_64 x86_64-unknown-haiku
 GDBRemoteCommunicationClient::GetSupportedStructuredDataPlugins(): QSupportedAsyncJSONPackets unsupported
 DynamicLoaderDarwin::UseDYLDSPI: Use old DynamicLoader plugin
 DynamicLoaderDarwin::UseDYLDSPI: Use old DynamicLoader plugin
 JITLoaderGDB::SetJITBreakpoint looking for JIT register hook
 Check if need to update ignored signals
 Process::SetPublicState (state = stopped, restarted = 0)
 Process::StartPrivateStateThread() starting private state thread 
 Process::ControlPrivateStateThread (signal = 4)
 Sending control event of type: 4.
 thread created
 0x11ed0efb12b0 Broadcaster("lldb.process.internal_state_control_broadcaster")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x11ed0ef245f0 Event: broadcaster = 0x11ed0f064790 (lldb.process.internal_state_control_broadcaster), type = 0x00000004 (control-resume), data = {Generic Event Data}}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 Process::RunPrivateStateThread (arg = 0x11ed0f0646a0, pid = 15202) thread starting...
 0x11ed0ef057c0 Listener('lldb.process.internal_state_listener')::AddEvent (event_sp = {0x11ed0ef245f0})
 timeout = <infinite>, event_sp)...
 this = 0x000011ED0EF057C0, timeout = <infinite> for lldb.process.internal_state_listener
 0x11ed0ef057c0 'lldb.process.internal_state_listener' Listener::FindNextEventInternal(broadcaster=0x11ed0f064790, broadcaster_names=(nil)[0], event_type_mask=0x00000000, remove=1) event 0x11ed0ef245f0
 Process::RunPrivateStateThread (arg = 0x11ed0f0646a0, pid = 15202) got a control event: 4
 timeout = <infinite>
 Process::WaitForProcessToStop returning without waiting for events; process private and public states are already 'stopped'.
 timeout = <infinite>, event_sp)...
 pid 15202 state 15202
 this = 0x000011ED0EF057C0, timeout = <infinite> for lldb.process.internal_state_listener
 0x11ed0ee0ba90 ConnectionFileDescriptor::ConnectionFileDescriptor (fd = 3, owns_fd = 1)
 0x11ed0ee0ba90 ConnectionFileDescriptor::CloseCommandPipe()
 0x11ed0ee0ba90 ConnectionFileDescriptor::OpenCommandPipe() - success readfd=4 writefd=5
 0x000011ED0F064B28 Communication::Disconnect ()
 0x000011ED0F064B28 Communication::StartReadThread ()
 hooked up STDIO pty to process
 thread created
 timeout = <infinite>
 0x11ed0f064b28 Communication::ReadThread () thread starting...
 Process::WaitForProcessToStop returning without waiting for events; process private and public states are already 'stopped'.
 this = 0x000011ED0EE0BA90, timeout = 5000000 us
 0x000011ED0EFB1050 Broadcaster("lldb.process")::RestoreBroadcaster (about to pop listener("lldb.PlatformLinux.DebugProcess.hijack")=0x000011ED0EF05980)
 Process::PrivateResume() m_stop_id = 1, public state: stopped private state: stopped
 Check if need to update ignored signals
 0x000011ED0EF47128 Broadcaster::Broadcaster("lldb.thread")
 0x11ed0ef470f0 Thread::Thread(tid = 0x3b63)
 0x11ed0edcdae0 Listener::StartListeningForEvents (broadcaster = 0x11ed0ef47128, mask = 0x00000011) acquired_mask = 0x00000011 for lldb.Debugger
 this = 0x000011ED0EF470F0, pid = 15202, tid = 15203
 Discarding thread plans for thread (tid = 0x3b62, force 1)
 Thread::PushPlan(0x0x11ed0ef47450): "Base thread plan.", tid = 0x3b62.
 Discarding thread plans for thread (tid = 0x3b63, force 1)
 Thread::PushPlan(0x0x11ed0ef470f0): "Base thread plan.", tid = 0x3b63.
 0x11ed0ef47450: tid = 0x3b62: stop info = <NULL> (stop_id = 1)
 WillResume Thread #1 (0x0x11ed0ef47450): tid = 0x3b62, pc = 0xffffffffffffffff, sp = 0xffffffffffffffff, fp = 0xffffffffffffffff, plan = 'base plan', state = running, stop others = 0
 Resuming thread: 3b62 with state: running.
 0x11ed0ef470f0: tid = 0x3b63: stop info = <NULL> (stop_id = 1)
 WillResume Thread #2 (0x0x11ed0ef470f0): tid = 0x3b63, pc = 0xffffffffffffffff, sp = 0xffffffffffffffff, fp = 0xffffffffffffffff, plan = 'base plan', state = running, stop others = 0
 Resuming thread: 3b63 with state: running.
 0x11ed0f002650 Listener::Listener('gdb-remote.resume-packet-sent')
 0x11ed0f002650 Listener::StartListeningForEvents (broadcaster = 0x11ed0f064f70, mask = 0x00010000) acquired_mask = 0x00010000 for gdb-remote.resume-packet-sent
 0x11ed0f002650 Listener::StartListeningForEvents (broadcaster = 0x11ed0f065580, mask = 0x00000004) acquired_mask = 0x00000004 for gdb-remote.resume-packet-sent
 0x11ed0f04f530 Broadcaster("lldb.process.gdb-remote.async-broadcaster")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x11ed0ef24730 Event: broadcaster = 0x11ed0f065580 (lldb.process.gdb-remote.async-broadcaster), type = 0x00000001 (async thread continue), data = {"c"}}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x11ed0ef05a60 Listener('lldb.process.gdb-remote.async-listener')::AddEvent (event_sp = {0x11ed0ef24730})
 this = 0x000011ED0F002650, timeout = 5000000 us for gdb-remote.resume-packet-sent
 0x11ed0ef05a60 'lldb.process.gdb-remote.async-listener' Listener::FindNextEventInternal(broadcaster=(nil), broadcaster_names=(nil)[0], event_type_mask=0x00000000, remove=1) event 0x11ed0ef24730
 ProcessGDBRemote::AsyncThread (arg = 0x11ed0f0646a0, pid = 15202) Got an event of type: 1...
 ProcessGDBRemote::AsyncThread (arg = 0x11ed0f0646a0, pid = 15202) got eBroadcastBitAsyncContinue: c
 Process::SetPrivateState (running)
 0x11ed0efb1180 Broadcaster("lldb.process.internal_state_broadcaster")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x11ed0f081850 Event: broadcaster = 0x11ed0f064760 (lldb.process.internal_state_broadcaster), type = 0x00000001, data = { process = 0x11ed0f0646a0 (pid = 15202), state = running}}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x11ed0ef057c0 Listener('lldb.process.internal_state_listener')::AddEvent (event_sp = {0x11ed0f081850})
 GDBRemoteClientBase::ContinueLock::lock() resuming with c
 0x11ed0ef057c0 'lldb.process.internal_state_listener' Listener::FindNextEventInternal(broadcaster=(nil), broadcaster_names=(nil)[0], event_type_mask=0x00000000, remove=1) event 0x11ed0f081850
 Process::SetExitStatus (status=-1 (0xffffffff), description="lost connection")
 Current Plan for thread 1(0x11ed0ef47450) (0x3b62, running): base plan being asked whether we should report run.
 Process::SetPrivateState (exited)
 Current Plan for thread 2(0x11ed0ef470f0) (0x3b63, running): base plan being asked whether we should report run.
 Process::ShouldBroadcastEvent (0x11ed0f081850) => new state: running, last broadcast state: running - YES
 Process::SetPrivateState (exited) stop_id = 2
 Process::HandlePrivateEvent (pid = 15202) broadcasting new state running (old state stopped) to public
 Process::PushProcessIOHandler pushing IO handler
 0x11ed0efb1180 Broadcaster("lldb.process.internal_state_broadcaster")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x11ed0f0817d0 Event: broadcaster = 0x11ed0f064760 (lldb.process.internal_state_broadcaster), type = 0x00000001, data = { process = 0x11ed0f0646a0 (pid = 15202), state = exited}}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 Process::HandlePrivateEvent updated m_iohandler_sync to 1
 0x11ed0ef057c0 Listener('lldb.process.internal_state_listener')::AddEvent (event_sp = {0x11ed0f0817d0})
 0x000011ED0F064F70 Communication::Disconnect ()
 0x11ed0ef38360 ConnectionFileDescriptor::Disconnect ()
 0x11ed0efb1050 Broadcaster("lldb.process")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x11ed0f081850 Event: broadcaster = 0x11ed0f0646d8 (lldb.process), type = 0x00000001 (state-changed), data = { process = 0x11ed0f0646a0 (pid = 15202), state = running}}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x11ed0ef38360 ConnectionFileDescriptor::Disconnect(): Nothing to disconnect
 ProcessGDBRemote::AsyncThread (arg = 0x11ed0f0646a0, pid = 15202) listener.WaitForEvent (NULL, event_sp)...
 0x11ed0edcdae0 Listener('lldb.Debugger')::AddEvent (event_sp = {0x11ed0f081850})
 timeout = <infinite>, event_sp)...
 this = 0x000011ED0EF05A60, timeout = <infinite> for lldb.process.gdb-remote.async-listener
 this = 0x000011ED0EF057C0, timeout = <infinite> for lldb.process.internal_state_listener
 0x11ed0ef057c0 'lldb.process.internal_state_listener' Listener::FindNextEventInternal(broadcaster=(nil), broadcaster_names=(nil)[0], event_type_mask=0x00000000, remove=1) event 0x11ed0f0817d0
 0x11ed0edcdae0 'lldb.Debugger' Listener::FindNextEventInternal(broadcaster=(nil), broadcaster_names=(nil)[0], event_type_mask=0x00000000, remove=1) event 0x11ed0f081850
 0x11ed0f0977b0 Listener::Listener('Communication::SyncronizeWithReadThread')
 Process::SetPublicState (state = running, restarted = 0)
 0x11ed0f0977b0 Listener::StartListeningForEvents (broadcaster = 0x11ed0f064b28, mask = 0x00000020) acquired_mask = 0x00000020 for Communication::SyncronizeWithReadThread
 this = 0x000011ED0EDCDAE0, timeout = <infinite> for lldb.Debugger
 this = 0x000011ED0F0977B0, timeout = <infinite> for Communication::SyncronizeWithReadThread
 0x11ed0efb13e0 Broadcaster("process.stdio")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x11ed0f09f640 Event: broadcaster = 0x11ed0f064b28 (process.stdio), type = 0x00000020 (no more pending input), data = <NULL>}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x11ed0f0977b0 Listener('Communication::SyncronizeWithReadThread')::AddEvent (event_sp = {0x11ed0f09f640})
 0x11ed0f0977b0 'Communication::SyncronizeWithReadThread' Listener::FindNextEventInternal(broadcaster=(nil), broadcaster_names=(nil)[0], event_type_mask=0x00000000, remove=1) event 0x11ed0f09f640
 this = 0x000011ED0EE0BA90, timeout = 5000000 us
 0x11ed0f0977b0 Listener::Clear('Communication::SyncronizeWithReadThread')
 0x11ed0f0977b0 Listener::~Listener('Communication::SyncronizeWithReadThread')
 0x000011ED0F064B28 Communication::StopReadThread ()
 0x11ed0efb13e0 Broadcaster("process.stdio")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x11ed0f097810 Event: broadcaster = 0x11ed0f064b28 (process.stdio), type = 0x00000008 (read thread should exit), data = <NULL>}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 Process::SetExitStatus (status=-1 (0xffffffff), description="debugserver died with signal SIGKILLTHR")
 Process::SetExitStatus () ignoring exit status because state was already set to eStateExited
 MonitorChildProcessThreadFunction (arg = 0x11ed0f0515a0) thread exiting because pid received exit signal...
 MonitorChildProcessThreadFunction (arg = 0x11ed0f0515a0) thread exiting...
 0x11ed0f002650 Listener::GetEventInternal() timed out for gdb-remote.resume-packet-sent
 ProcessGDBRemote::DoResume: Resume timed out.
 0x11ed0f002650 Listener::Clear('gdb-remote.resume-packet-sent')
 0x11ed0f002650 Listener::~Listener('gdb-remote.resume-packet-sent')
 Process::PrivateResume() DoResume failed.
 HandleCommand, command did not succeed
error: process resume at entry point failed: Resume timed out.
 error: timed out, status = timed out
 0x11ed0f064b28 Communication::ReadThread () thread exiting...
 0x11ed0efb13e0 Broadcaster("process.stdio")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x11ed0f09b640 Event: broadcaster = 0x11ed0f064b28 (process.stdio), type = 0x00000020 (no more pending input), data = <NULL>}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x11ed0efb13e0 Broadcaster("process.stdio")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x11ed0f09b640 Event: broadcaster = 0x11ed0f064b28 (process.stdio), type = 0x00000004 (read thread did exit), data = <NULL>}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x000011ED0F064B28 Communication::Disconnect ()
 0x11ed0ee0ba90 ConnectionFileDescriptor::Disconnect ()
 Process::ShouldBroadcastEvent (0x11ed0f0817d0) => new state: exited, last broadcast state: exited - YES
 Process::HandlePrivateEvent (pid = 15202) broadcasting new state exited (old state running) to public
 0x11ed0efb1050 Broadcaster("lldb.process")::BroadcastEvent (event_sp = {0x11ed0f0817d0 Event: broadcaster = 0x11ed0f0646d8 (lldb.process), type = 0x00000001 (state-changed), data = { process = 0x11ed0f0646a0 (pid = 15202), state = exited}}, unique =0) hijack = (nil)
 0x11ed0edcdae0 Listener('lldb.Debugger')::AddEvent (event_sp = {0x11ed0f0817d0})
 Process::RunPrivateStateThread (arg = 0x11ed0f0646a0, pid = 15202) about to exit with internal state exited...
 Process::RunPrivateStateThread (arg = 0x11ed0f0646a0, pid = 15202) thread exiting...
 0x11ed0edcdae0 'lldb.Debugger' Listener::FindNextEventInternal(broadcaster=(nil), broadcaster_names=(nil)[0], event_type_mask=0x00000000, remove=1) event 0x11ed0f0817d0
 Process::SetPublicState (state = exited, restarted = 0)
 Process::SetPublicState (exited) -- unlocking run lock
Process 15202 exited with status = -1 (0xffffffff) lost connection
 this = 0x000011ED0EDCDAE0, timeout = <infinite> for lldb.Debugger
kenz-gelsoft commented 1 year ago
 Process::SetExitStatus (status=-1 (0xffffffff), description="debugserver died with signal SIGTTIN")

haiku signal 21 is

#define SIGKILLTHR      21  /* be specific: kill just the thread, not team */
kenz-gelsoft commented 1 year ago

SIGKILLTHR is a haiku specific signal

thread_kill_thread sends

exit_thread sends

team_shutdown_team sends to all child threads

‎send_signal_to_team_locked‎ sends to main thread

kenz-gelsoft commented 1 year ago

signals child thread if specified thread is not a main thread

KILLs non main thread also signals SIGKILLTHR to main thread