keoughkath / AlleleAnalyzer

A software tool for personalized and allele-specific CRISPR editing.
MIT License
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sample bcf files #48

Closed BingbingYuan closed 1 year ago

BingbingYuan commented 2 years ago

The input bcf files for the tutorial for "Design sgRNAs for allele specific excision of the gene MFN2 in the WTC genome" are re-directed to the Pollard lab. Could you point me the locations of sample bcf files?

curl -o wtc_phased_hg19.bcf

curl -o wtc_phased_hg19.bcf.csi

keoughkath commented 1 year ago

Hello, yes, unfortunately these files were made inaccessible by IT, and I no longer have the ability to change that since I'm not longer affiliated with the institution. I recommend you try this with different BCF files. Good luck!