keplersj / BoatCraft

Rails had their turn, now out to the Minecraftian seas.
MIT License
6 stars 7 forks source link

Padding #181

Open CliffracerX opened 10 years ago

CliffracerX commented 10 years ago

Plop some wool on the hulls of your boats to protect from impacts.

Could also help boats float?

keplersj commented 10 years ago

Rubber from Tech Mods too?

keplersj commented 10 years ago

Will be accomplish using new API methods and traits. Possible Crafting mix-in.

keplersj commented 10 years ago

How might it help a boat float?

CliffracerX commented 10 years ago

No idea on how to make a upgrade to increase floating power, so I merged the ideas. :p

CliffracerX commented 10 years ago

Rubber works too, BTW.

viliml commented 10 years ago

Will be a mountable (#125)