keploy / keploy

Test generation for Developers. Generate tests and stubs for your application that actually work!
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[BUG]: Fixed docker compose up containers to be removed #1596

Open Yaxhveer opened 3 months ago

Yaxhveer commented 3 months ago

Related Issue

Closes: #1533

Describe the changes you've made

Docker trigger the start event when the application is again started.

Type of change

Please let us know if any test cases are added

Please describe the tests(if any). Provide instructions how its affecting the coverage.

Describe if there is any unusual behaviour of your code(Write NA if there isn't)

A clear and concise description of it.


Screenshots (if any)

Original Updated
original screenshot updated screenshot
Yaxhveer commented 3 months ago

@PranshuSrivastava Please review the PR

PranshuSrivastava commented 3 months ago

@Yaxhveer I think you have made the changes for the docker start command, that is listed in this issue #1539. Were you able to replicate the error for this issue? You need to remove the need to remove containers after docker compose up fails to run once. For some reason when you start the containers with Keploy again, Keploy is not able to find the desired container.

Yaxhveer commented 3 months ago

@PranshuSrivastava Kindly review the changes and let me know if it works.

Yaxhveer commented 2 months ago

@PranshuSrivastava Please review the changes

charankamarapu commented 2 months ago

Hey @Yaxhveer we have refactored the main code base. But the docker related testing is not yet done. We will notify you once that is done and then we continue with the PR if the issue is not solved by the refactored changes.

Yaxhveer commented 1 month ago

@PranshuSrivastava The PR has been updated according to the current codebase. Kindly the review the PR and let me know if it require any changes. Still there is a issue regarding blocking and panic in record mode as I specified here.

Yaxhveer commented 2 weeks ago

@PranshuSrivastava This PR requires the review.