keploy / keploy

Test generation for Developers. Generate tests and stubs for your application that actually work!
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[BUG]: Fixed replay starts execution before the app is started #1823

Open Yaxhveer opened 1 month ago

Yaxhveer commented 1 month ago

Related Issue

Closes: #1810 Closes: #1795

Describe the changes you've made

Currently keploy would wait till delay (5s) as provided using delay flag for user application to start , but it is required only for native env and for docker related application we have to have till the application starts or buildDelay time is completed. This pr fix this bug by adding a channel to signal the start of application or cancel the service if buildDelay is reached. Also the PR fixes the panic in keploy during an error by adding an err channel on the required goroutine which became unreachable due to the error.

Type of change

Please let us know if any test cases are added

Please describe the tests(if any). Provide instructions how its affecting the coverage.

Describe if there is any unusual behaviour of your code(Write NA if there isn't)

A clear and concise description of it.


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