keploy / keploy

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[bug]: Missing 'Explore' Button for Native Integration on Medium and Small Screens #1842

Open Hermione2408 opened 3 weeks ago

Hermione2408 commented 3 weeks ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Current behavior

The 'Explore' button under 'Native Integration' is not visible on medium and small screen sizes, which could lead to a gap in user experience for those accessing the site on smaller devices. Screenshot from 2024-04-22 11-31-17

Steps to reproduce

  1. Access the Keploy website on a medium or small-sized screen device, or resize the browser window to these dimensions.
  2. Scroll down to the 'Native Integration' section.
  3. Observe the missing 'Explore' button which is present in the desktop view.







anuanu0-0 commented 2 weeks ago

If anyone is not working can I take up this issue?