keploy / keploy

Test generation for Developers. Generate tests and stubs for your application that actually work!
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fix: example generate in config file #1863

Closed Sonichigo closed 21 hours ago

Sonichigo commented 1 week ago

While adding the global noise in keploy config, i followed the the example that's generated at the end of the file and found couple of things missing. Filters are array now, so listing down like

#  filters:
#   - path: "/user/app"
#     urlMethods: ["GET"]
#     headers: {
#       "^asdf*": "^test"
#     }
#     host: ""

Doesn't work anymore as well as in global noise between body:{} and header: {} was missing due which the noise function wasn't working as expected

new example in config file is

# Example on using tests
#  filters: [
# {
#     path: "/user/app"
#     urlMethods: ["GET"]
#     headers: {
#       "^asdf*": "^test"
#     },
#     host: ""
#   }
#  ]
# Example on using stubs
# stubs:
#  filters: [
#   { 
#     path: "/user/app",
#     port: 8080
#   },
#   {
#     port: 8081,
#     host: ""
#    },
#   {
#     port: 8081,
#     host: "",
#     path: "/user/app"
#    }
#   ]
# Example on using globalNoise
# globalNoise:
#   global:
#     body: {
#        # to ignore some values for a field,
#        # pass regex patterns to the corresponding array value
#        "url": ["https?://\S+", "http://\S+"],
#     },
#     header: {
#        # to ignore the entire field, pass an empty array
#        "Date": [],
#      }
#    # to ignore fields or the corresponding values for a specific test-set,
#    # pass the test-set-name as a key to the "test-sets" object and
#    # populate the corresponding "body" and "header" objects
#    test-sets:
#      test-set-1:
#        body: {
#          # ignore all the values for the "url" field
#          "url": []
#        }
#        header: {
#          # we can also pass the exact value to ignore for a field
#          "User-Agent": ["PostmanRuntime/7.34.0"]
#        }