keppelen / react-facebook-login

A Component React for Facebook Login
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Error with facebook login in mobile browser #257

Closed birendra-90 closed 5 years ago

birendra-90 commented 5 years ago

I am trying to login by facebook using react-facebook-login so I logged successfully in the web browser but not in the mobile browser.


URL Blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not whitelisted in the app’s Client OAuth Settings. Make sure Client and Web OAuth Login are on and add all your app domains as Valid OAuth Redirect URIs.

rystraum commented 5 years ago

@birendra-90 Make sure that the URL trying to access is included in the app's Whitelist. If this is in development (and you're looking at the site via IP address), you might have to go use a web proxying service (e.g. and add the URL generated by ngrok in your app's whitelist.

FB doesn't allow listing IP addresses in oauth redirects, afaik.

birendra-90 commented 5 years ago

@rystraum Thank you for your response but after deployed in netlify, then only I got this issues.

AlburIvan commented 5 years ago

I'm currently having this issue too, all URL are whitelisted. That's the thing that is currently bothering me. I tried to whitelist lots of variations just in case, but to no avail. And this happens only on mobile browsers

ghost commented 5 years ago


on props is a temporary workaround on my side. Let me know if it works for you too.

ghost commented 5 years ago

Still not working on iOs on Instagram and Facebook app anyhow.

vovkasm commented 5 years ago

I think this all from here: And I'm sure all this tuning for mobile browsers can be removed now... at least someone can try this and test.

ghost commented 5 years ago

@vovkasm after a lot of extensive testing, we moved all the logins with the redirect method with isMobile={true}, since otherwise the login fails on Instagram and Facebook browsers on iPhone. We are experiencing the same behaviour for react-google-login on iOS.

The popup method does not work for Facebook and Instagram browsers on iOS, both for google and facebook login, but we are unable to debug the situation with Fiddler due to the protection of the certificate pinning.

Hope someone comes up with some more information on the problem.

vovkasm commented 5 years ago

Thanks for info! We will monitor this! And... then it should be reported to facebook-sdk project. It is SDK responsibility, imho.

r4F705 commented 5 years ago

Do we have any update on this issue?

techyrajeev commented 5 years ago

facing same issue here. Please let me know in case any one found the possible solution.

dastrong commented 5 years ago

Yea I'm following this too.

I ended up hiding the FB button on mobile devices for now. Would definitely like to show that button in the future.

ghost commented 5 years ago

@dastrong did the same; on our schedule we will be working hard to fix this issue by mid May, so I will report my findings.

codingwaysarg commented 5 years ago

Hi there, I'm getting the same issue. Login works fine on web, but fails on mobile. Does anyone has any temporary fix? Thank you.

jmayergit commented 5 years ago


on props is a temporary workaround on my side. Let me know if it works for you too.

Works for me on iOS Chrome

juanruben commented 5 years ago

Same issue here

thaihung019 commented 5 years ago

I set isMobile prop to false and also set redirectUri to the domain that I set up on facebook dashboard. And it solves the problem.

DanijelaKraljevic commented 5 years ago

Setting isMobile prop to false worked for me too for android. :disappointed:

Sklpcc commented 5 years ago

There is another prop for this purpose, but it is undocumented since 2017 #175

aharbavets commented 5 years ago

@vovkasm after a lot of extensive testing, we moved all the logins with the redirect method with isMobile={true}, since otherwise the login fails on Instagram and Facebook browsers on iPhone. We are experiencing the same behaviour for react-google-login on iOS.

The popup method does not work for Facebook and Instagram browsers on iOS, both for google and facebook login, but we are unable to debug the situation with Fiddler due to the protection of the certificate pinning.

Hope someone comes up with some more information on the problem.

I think this issue is the same as mine. This issue usually happens when using autoLoad on iOS. Safari detects that popup is opened by JavaScript (not in some button handler) and blocks it. In desktop browsers you can unblock such popups, but in mobile Safari there's no way to do it and even to know that it was blocked. I think disableMobileRedirect prop was implemented as workaround for this issue. Redirects are not blocked in contrast to popup windows. Another solution is not use autologin but rather use the FacebookLogin component as the control which initiates facebook login. E.g. replace your custom button or menu item with this component if possible

batgerelt commented 4 years ago

not working on mobile browser :-( heeelp mee

<FacebookLogin appId={SOCIAL_IDS.facebook} fields="name,email,picture.type(large)" cssClass="btn btn-block btn-social btn-facebook" onClick={this.componentClicked} callback={this.responseFacebook} textButton={intl.formatMessage({ id: "shared.form.button.facebookLogin" })} size="metro" cookie disableMobileRedirect isMobile={false} version="3.1" />

wilfison commented 4 years ago

Just use the redirectUri property


Remember to add the link in valid OAuth redirect URIs in the application settings on facebook.

rotimi-best commented 4 years ago


Just use the redirectUri property


Remember to add the link in valid OAuth redirect URIs in the application settings on facebook.

This didn't work for me.


not working on mobile browser :-( heeelp mee

<FacebookLogin appId={SOCIAL_IDS.facebook} fields="name,email,picture.type(large)" cssClass="btn btn-block btn-social btn-facebook" onClick={this.componentClicked} callback={this.responseFacebook} textButton={intl.formatMessage({ id: "shared.form.button.facebookLogin" })} size="metro" cookie disableMobileRedirect isMobile={false} version="3.1" />

For some reason I did this and it didn't work

  disableMobileRedirect // I expected this to be true since its react which didn't work

The I changed it to

  disableMobileRedirect={true} // This worked
vovkasm commented 4 years ago


For some reason I did this and it didn't work

  disableMobileRedirect // I expected this to be true since its react which didn't work

The I changed it to

  disableMobileRedirect={true} // This worked

This can't be true at all. Babel will translate both JSX snippets into exactly same code.

  1. First snippet
  2. Second one
daveteu commented 4 years ago

Well it's true.

Anyone on mobile who faces the following error should set disableMobileRedirect={true}.

Once you set it to true, you will see the Facebook login open up to the new window, and closes once you login, which is the same behaviour on desktop.

URL Blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not whitelisted in the app’s Client OAuth Settings. Make sure Client and Web OAuth Login are on and add all your app domains as Valid OAuth Redirect URIs.


chonlatee-s commented 4 years ago

isMobile={false} Works for me on andrioid

niloy2019 commented 4 years ago


on props is a temporary workaround on my side. Let me know if it works for you too.

Thanks. It works for me.

jkvgo commented 4 years ago

isMobile={false} worked for me!

V-Jgenti commented 4 years ago

for me worked this solution disableMobileRedirect={true} set this code in the propertis of button <3

wassikhaan commented 3 years ago

<FacebookLogin appId={config.FB_APP_ID} autoLoad={false} fields="name,first_name,last_name,email,picture" callback={this.responseFacebook} cssClass="fbButtonsMobile" icon={<i class="melorra-fb" style={{ margin: '0 8px 0 100px', fontSize: 12 }}>} onClick={this.handleFbLoginClick} textButton={Login with Facebook} isMobile={true} disableMobileRedirect={true} cookie={true} // xfbml={true} // version={"3.2"} status={true} />

This is not at al workinng for me I am a doing any mistake here ?

marcioomonte commented 3 years ago

<FacebookLogin appId={config.FB_APP_ID} autoLoad={false} fields="name,first_name,last_name,email,picture" callback={this.responseFacebook} cssClass="fbButtonsMobile" icon={<i class="melorra-fb" style={{ margin: '0 8px 0 100px', fontSize: 12 }}>} onClick={this.handleFbLoginClick} textButton={Login with Facebook} isMobile={true} disableMobileRedirect={true} cookie={true} // xfbml={true} // version={"3.2"} status={true} />

This is not at al workinng for me I am a doing any mistake here ?

redirect_uri ?

EduardoUstarez commented 3 years ago

I can't make it work

                appId="XXXXXXXXX"              fields="link,first_name,middle_name,name,birthday,last_name,email,gender,locale,verified,picture.height(2048),age_range"
                textButton="Iniciar con facebook"
Abhishek9760 commented 3 years ago


<FacebookLogin appId="3375293559265744" fields="name,email,picture" disableMobileRedirect={true} redirectUri="/diary/" cookie isMobile={false} render={(renderProps) => ( <button_ className="facebook-button btn-block" onClick={renderProps.onClick} disabled={renderProps.disabled}

Login )} callback={(res) => props.facebookLogin(res)} />


this is not redirecting to /home in mobile devices after please!

sidharrth2002 commented 3 years ago

Hi, is there currently a fix for this? I'm trying to login from Facebook/Instagram in-app browsers, but it doesn't work. Here's my current setup:
