keppelen / react-facebook-login

A Component React for Facebook Login
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Adding permission in Scope not working #279

Open ibsyllamaster opened 4 years ago

ibsyllamaster commented 4 years ago

Hello everyone,

first of all, thanks for this amazing tool. it is just amazing how it saved me a lot of time.

I have this setup for the Facebook Login

fbContent = ( <FacebookLogin version='5.0' appId='414211709238271' autoLoad={false} fields='name,email,picture,accounts' scope='manage_pages,read_insights,pages_show_list,instagram_basic' cssClass='button is-link downloadReportButton' textButton='Add new Facebook Page' onClick={this.componentClicked} callback={this.responseFacebook} />

When I try to add the instagram_manage_insights permission in scope The Facebook login windows just Pop Up and close instantly. it appears on the screen and closes automatically.

I can use this permission on Graph Api tool, it work fine.

Did someone know why it is not working with the React Facebook Login? or Have you faced something similar how did you fix it?

tupinator commented 4 years ago

I'm having the same issue. I specify permissions in scope but they don't work afterwards.

Lucksmith369 commented 4 years ago

The same Issue

fdiazpaccot commented 4 years ago

I'm having the same issue.

haivx commented 3 years ago

Sorry, is there any update?

tupinator commented 3 years ago

Hey everyone! It seems like Facebook doesn´t allow you to access the user's data unless your app has been approved by Facebook... so it's not possible to do so.

haivx commented 3 years ago

@tupinator I detected the problem is that the oauth dialog doesn't include scope in url like this: My temporary solution is override method autoLoad by click event

rhd-chris commented 2 years ago

Same issue here. If I take the url of the popup and add the scope parameter it works, so it's an issue with the package.