keppelen / react-facebook-login

A Component React for Facebook Login
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Other platform login redirects fires facebook login #308

Open jacky-ew opened 4 years ago

jacky-ew commented 4 years ago

Hi, currently the project is having three ways of login via social media (facebook, google apple) On Apple login, every time the redirect bck to main screen of project from apple, an instance of facebook callback props will get triggered. May i know how to resolve this?

chin2km commented 4 years ago

Same happens for me, SiwApple triggers FB Callback!

pantelispanayiotou commented 4 years ago

Any updates? I 'm experiencing the exact same issue.

jacky-ew commented 4 years ago

Hi guys, since there is no respond from the author, my suggestion is use some sort of loading flag or other flag (react state) to differentiate the callbacks.

This is what i did for now, not the perfect solution thou.