kepstin / regainer

Advanced ReplayGain scanner and tagger
MIT License
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Does not respect album and track gain values if album gain values differ between tracks #5

Open maszaa opened 4 years ago

maszaa commented 4 years ago

Application recalculates replay gain values even without -f option if some of the files have different album gain than others. This is not desired. Especially some special/deluxe editions have multiple discs (e.g. album, live show) and I want them to have different album gain because sometimes they are mastered at different levels.

kepstin commented 4 years ago

This behaviour was intentional - I wanted it to fix the album gain if the tracks in the album didn't have matching album gain.

If you want to calculate the gain for different tracks independently, then you can use the -a option to treat them as separate albums, or use the -e option to exclude them from the album gain calculation (they will only have track gain applied).

That said, hmm. It might make sense to have the normal mode check for the presence of the album gain tag, rather than require it match on all tracks in an album. If I do this, then it would print a warning message about the album gains not matching so you know you that you might want to use -f to fix it.