keptn-contrib / prometheus-service

Keptn service for utilizing Prometheus monitoring and alerting in keptn
Apache License 2.0
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How to use external Prometheus as a provider? #382

Open DomineCore opened 1 year ago

DomineCore commented 1 year ago

My Prometheus monitoring service is located in a cluster external saas services, I want to use it as the provider of sli, what should I do?

agardnerIT commented 1 year ago

Do these instructions help?

JJena commented 1 year ago

For external prometheus, the instructions say to start with creating a secret for the external promethus. Do we still need prometheus-service in such case? I assume Yes.

I did both steps but still getting error Unable to detect prometheus.

sudo keptn create secret prometheus-credentials-keptn-evaluation --scope="keptn-prometheus-service" --from-literal="PROMETHEUS_USER=" --from-literal="PROMETHEUS_PASSWORD=" --from-literal="PROMETHEUS_URL=" Secret prometheus-credentials-keptn-evaluation created successfully [jjena@lt-injector-4 ~]$ sudo helm upgrade --install -n keptn prometheus-service --reuse-values Release "prometheus-service" does not exist. Installing it now. Error: execution error at (prometheus-service/templates/serviceaccount.yaml:41:30): Unable to detect Prometheus in the kubernetes cluster!