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AWS SSP Addons for keptn and keptn Remote Execution Planes #7

Closed heckelmann closed 2 years ago

heckelmann commented 2 years ago


we would like to move out AWS SSP Addons (deploy keptn and remote execution planes using AWS CDK) to keptn Sandbox


CODEOWNERS File present

Owners @thschue and @heckelmann

Thank you and have a great day!

oleg-nenashev commented 2 years ago

@heckelmann @thschue transferring a repo from a personal account is not that trivial. It needs admin permissions which are available only to the owner for personal repos or a special transfer org. I can create one, similar to

oleg-nenashev commented 2 years ago

Created and invited you both there

oleg-nenashev commented 2 years ago

Transfer is completed!