keptn-sandbox / datadog-service

Repo for Keptn Datadog service
Apache License 2.0
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SLI resource added using `keptn add-resource` on project level overrides SLI resource added using `keptn add-resource` on stage/service level #67

Open vadasambar opened 2 years ago

vadasambar commented 2 years ago

Summary If we add SLI on service level

keptn add-resource --project="e2e-project" --stage="staging" --service="podtatoserver" --resource=test/data/podtatohead.sli.yaml --resourceUri=datadog/sli.yaml

And kubectl exec -it resource-service-xxx -nkeptn -- sh

/data/config/e2e-project/podtatoserver/datadog $ ls

You can see sli.yaml added under the above path Now, if you try to add a project level SLI file

keptn add-resource --project="e2e-project"  --resource=test/data/podtatohead.sli.yaml --resourceUri=datadog/sli.yaml

podtatoserver folder in resource-service in the path /data/config/e2e-project/podtatoserver/datadog is removed and you see

/data/config/e2e-project/datadog $ ls


Keptn CLI version: 0.18.1 ... Keptn cluster version: 0.18.1 ...

* Kubernetes Cloud Provider (e.g., GKE, AKS): minikube
* Kubernetes version (`kubectl version`): 

$ kubectl version --short Client Version: v1.23.1 Server Version: v1.24.3

* Client OS (e.g., Linux, macOS, Windows): Linux
~* Client Browser: N/A~ Not applicable for this issue

<!-- Please also let us know about other components and their version if you believe that this issue is related to them (e.g., Istio, Web Browser Version). -->

**Affected Component**
<!-- Please tell us which component of Keptn is affected (leave empty if you are unsure). -->

* [ ] Web UI / Bridge
* [ ] CLI
* [ ] REST API or webhooks
* [ ] User experience
* [ ] Developer experience
* [ ] Deployment/manegement with Helm

**To Reproduce**
<!-- Please provide detailed instructions on how to reproduce the behaviour, including code samples if applicable. -->

Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Install keptn 0.18.1 using
minikube start --cpus=2 --memory=5GB -p dd-bug # memory can be less than 5GB
echo "Adding keptn repo"
helm repo add keptn
echo "Installing keptn"
kubectl create ns keptn
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=keptn
minikube tunnel &> /dev/null &
helm upgrade --install keptn keptn/keptn -f examples/keptn-values.yaml --version 0.18.1 --wait
kubectl port-forward svc/api-gateway-nginx 5000:80 -nkeptn &
keptn auth --endpoint=localhost:5000
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=keptn
# # Kill the port-forward started in the background
# # If you want to port-forward again, just run
# # kubectl port-forward svc/api-gateway-nginx 5000:80 -nkeptn
ps aux | grep 'kubectl port-forward svc/api-gateway-nginx 5000' | grep -v 'grep' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -I{} kill -9 {}
ps aux | grep 'minikube tunnel' | grep -v 'grep' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -I{} kill -9 {}
  1. Install gitea related services
    password=$(date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 32)
    export GITEA_ADMIN_PASSWORD=$password
    export GITEA_ADMIN_USERNAME=GiteaAdmin
    export GITEA_NAMESPACE=gitea
    export GITEA_ENDPOINT="http://gitea-http.${GITEA_NAMESPACE}:3000"
    helm repo add gitea-charts
    helm repo update
    helm install -n ${GITEA_NAMESPACE} gitea gitea-charts/gitea \
    --create-namespace \
    --set memcached.enabled=false \
    --set postgresql.enabled=false \
    --set gitea.config.database.DB_TYPE=sqlite3 \
    --set gitea.admin.username=${GITEA_ADMIN_USERNAME} \
    --set gitea.admin.password=${GITEA_ADMIN_PASSWORD} \
    --set gitea.config.server.OFFLINE_MODE=true \
    --set gitea.config.server.ROOT_URL=${GITEA_ENDPOINT}/ \
    helm install keptn-gitea-provisioner-service \
    --set gitea.endpoint=${GITEA_ENDPOINT} \
    --set gitea.admin.create=true \
    --set gitea.admin.username=${GITEA_ADMIN_USERNAME} \
    --set gitea.admin.password=${GITEA_ADMIN_PASSWORD} \
    --wait -ndefault
  2. Create a project
    # you need to be at the root of datadog-service
    keptn create project e2e-project --shipyard=test/shipyard/podtatohead.deployment.yaml
  3. Create service level SLI
    keptn create service podtatoserver --project=e2e-project

keptn add-resource --project="e2e-project" --stage="staging" --service="podtatoserver" --resource=test/data/podtatohead.sli.yaml --resourceUri=datadog/sli.yaml

Check the SLI is reflected in resource-service
`kubectl exec -it resource-service-xxx -nkeptn -- sh` (replace resource-service-xxx with the name of your `resource-service` pod in `keptn` namespace)

/data/config/e2e-project/podtatoserver/datadog $ ls sli.yaml

You should see ^
5. Create a project level SLI

keptn add-resource --project="e2e-project" --resource=test/data/podtatohead.sli.yaml --resourceUri=datadog/sli.yaml

`podtatoserver` folder in `resource-service` in the path  `/data/config/e2e-project/podtatoserver/datadog`  is removed and you should see

/data/config/e2e-project/datadog $ ls sli.yaml

**Expected behavior**
Adding project level SLI should not override service level SLI

**Current behavior**
Project level SLI overrides service level SLI
vadasambar commented 2 years ago

This might not be related to datadog-service or might not be a bug at all. We need to confirm if this bug is in-fact related to datadog-service using the 0.18.1 version of the service (since the 0.18.1 version of the service was not released when this issue was created).