keptn-sandbox / new-keptn-docs-engine

GSoC 2022 Project: New Documentation Site Engine
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 2 forks source link

New Documentation Site Engine #1

Open iamrajiv opened 2 years ago

iamrajiv commented 2 years ago

New Documentation Site Engine

I have divided the Development Phase into two phases i.e. Phase 1 and Phase 2.

Phase 1 will deal mostly with implementing core features and functionality needed in the documentation engine.

Phase 2 will deal mostly with implementing miscellaneous features and functionality of the documentation engine like Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, etc.

Phase 1

Week 1 - Week 6 (June 13 - July 25, 2022)

Issue link:

Issue link:

In current docs, we don't have versioning of docs support feature. As of now, we were versioning the docs manually. To solve this problem we have added versioning of the docs support feature using Docusaurus. We can use the versioning CLI to create a new documentation version based on the latest content in the docs directory. That specific set of documentation will then be preserved and accessible even as the documentation in the docs directory continues to evolve.

PR related to adding versioning support can be found here

This feature is partially done and we want more clarity on this feature. Earlier we thought adding Docusaurus Multi-instance support will solve this problem but it is not the case. The thing is using Docusaurus Multi-instance we can have multiple docs folders in the same Docusaurus site and for every docs folder, we can put our documentation accordingly. But we wanted something automatic stuff so that we can pull docs from other repository and organize it in these docs folder instances.

I got clarity about this feature a little late so I was not able to implement this feature completely.

Some reasons why we want the Multiple repository docs support feature:

We want a GitHub Action which can pull the docs from to repository and organize the docs accordingly. Also, we are not sure this is the right approach to solve this problem. But it's one of the approaches we have thought of.

Phase 2

Week 7 - Week 12 (July 26 - September 5, 2022)

Every webpage that is crawled by a search engine is evaluated with a score from 5 categories: Performance, Accessibility, Best Practices, SEO, and PWA. This is given a score between 0 – 100. The better your lighthouse score will affect how high up your webpage will appear on a search engine.

With a high score, your site meets the best practices and SEO standards outlined by Google in terms of performance and accessibility. Lighthouse is an important tool because it can identify common problems that affect the quality of your websites and propose solutions for them.

Lighthouse CI is a suite of tools that make continuously running, saving, retrieving, and asserting against Lighthouse results as easily as possible. So we have integrated Lighthouse CI GitHub Action into the new documentation site engine.

PR related to adding Lighthouse CI can be found here

Issue link:

To solve problems related to the styling of documentation, linting, doc quality checks, etc we wanted some tool to achieve these things.

We research and found proselint and Vale which can full fill our needs. After going through both we feel Vale has a lot of features as compared to proselint and is widely used in many popular open source organizations.

So, we integrated vale-action in the new documentation site engine.

Also, for the time being, I have adopted the Google Style Guide because my main motivation is to integrate the Vale GitHub Action into the docs engine. Yeah, I think we can have a separate discussion about which style guide to follow or we can have our custom style guide as well.

One of the limitations of Vale is that we have to update things in vocab.txt which is required for false positives. Some keywords, and names (e.g. Keptn, KEP etc) are considered as vale.Spelling errors, so we have to add them inside vocab.txt file. We can list all unique words which are considered errors in vocab.txt using the below command.

yarn run lint:docs | grep -o "'[a-z A-Z]*'" | grep -o "[a-z A-Z]*" | sort | uniq > .github/styles/vocab.txt

Now we have to manually validate all words listed in vocab.txt, discard which are invalid and correct them in the file where they were located.

Now we have to manually validate all words listed in vocab.txt, discard which are invalid and correct them in the file where they were located.

PR related to adding Vale linter can be found here

Issue link:

Prettier is a very popular code formatter that uses very opinionated but sensible styles to format your code and prevent ongoing debates about code styles. So we wanted a GitHub action to automatically format your code using Prettier.

To set up the GitHub action, all we need to do is install our dependencies (e.g. yarn install), run our format script (e.g. yarn format), and then commit any changes if necessary.

By utilizing Prettier with GitHub Actions, we can ensure that our code is formatted consistently and without any issues. It also helps to reduce manual work when formatting code.

PR related to adding Prettier GitHub Action can be found here

Issue link:

It is a GitHub Action that can be run on the docs to check for broken links and xrefs. The GitHub Action can create an issue on the repository with the broken links report, add labels to the issue and assign it to the relevant maintainers.

PR related to adding GitHub Action to check broken links in docs can be found here

Issue link:

Miscellaneous Phase

NOTE: Multiple repository docs support feature is not yet implemented completely and it is still in progress. As of now Docs Multi-instance support is added which is a@docusaurus/plugin-content-docs plugin. Adding GitHub Action which can pull the docs from multiple repositories is not yet implemented.

vadasambar commented 1 year ago

Can we add more info around the search engine? What search engine are we going with and why?

vadasambar commented 1 year ago

P.S.: looks like Docusaurus supports Algolia.

  1. Are we planning on applying for Algolia search?
  2. Is this a part of this project?
vadasambar commented 1 year ago

@iamrajiv , how should a user who wants to use the new documentation engine start using it? (<- don't need to answer right away but something we should consider)

StackScribe commented 1 year ago

"It's a good idea to move these READMEs to the docs site because the people who develop and maintain these services are responsible for updating the READMEs. Having them in a single place just makes it easier to update the READMEs and read them later as well."

This is not quite right. The software developers who develop and maintain these services very much prefer to have the source co-located with the software code. However, you are correct that having them appear in the main documentation set makes them more accessible to users. The current system for the CLI Reference docs does accomplish this but we can only update the docs site with a big batch job that we run once per release, and we don't have a good way to check the docs in the context of the doc set as they are developed; it would be nice to improve this. And also good to be able to populate the reference/files and reference/miscellaneous sections with content that is authored in the software repo then transferred to the docs repo. Currently, the source is in the file for each service but I'm not sure that is ideal. You can see that I have started authoring some of these reference pages in . In most cases, I started with the info that was in the but I have augmented the content and structure of these pages. We will have to straighten this out manually when we move the files into Docusaurus.

My personal preference (which may not be the majority opinion) would be to have a docs subdirectory for each service and spec that contains the md source for the documentation and then the README could contain information about the structure of the software, etc. It may be easier to implement if the tools only have to look for a docs folder and grab that than figure out which README's to incorporate. If that is the case, I think it will be acceptable.