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Keptn community content: governance, community management, project infrastructure etc.
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RFE: Consolidate Repositories / Organizations #225

Open agardnerIT opened 1 year ago

agardnerIT commented 1 year ago


Keptn has an inordinate amount of repositories in three (!) different places (official): keptn, keptn-sandbox and keptn-contrib. Plus many other repositories from "key people" who fork and spin off their own demos.

I don't see the benefit to an ever growing and splintered set of repositories. On the other hand, I see lots of downside:

Consolidating everything would bring us closer to a more streamlined, tidy and organised project.

No doubt there are limitations and reasons we have the setup we have, but I just don't think it needs to be that fragmented.




thschue commented 1 year ago

I think it would be nice to drop the keptn-sandbox organization and stay with keptn and keptn-contrib, whereby keptn contains all top-level projects maintained by the keptn maintainers and keptn-contrib community-maintained extensions and add-ons.

DavidPHirsch commented 7 months ago

@mowies do we actually need the other orgs we have?

mowies commented 7 months ago

I think we should keep one of the other orgs for things like demo repos for talks and such things. I don't really care which one it is though. This for example is one used by @grabnerandi : Or this one:

DavidPHirsch commented 7 months ago

@mowies @grabnerandi maybe we just move the two repos to this org? what do you think?

mowies commented 7 months ago

I think the initial thought was that the contrib or sandbox org is split off so that we can have repos there that are just maintained by single contributors without the full Keptn org having maintainer access and responsibility. That's not really the case for the Keptn org. But of course we can change that. Although, in the Keptn org, permissions and settings are handle by config as code through peribolos, which would mean that "independent" repos would need to make change suggestions to the peribolos config to get things done