keptn / killercoda

Killercoda tutorials for Keptn
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klt killercoda demo not accessible #1

Open SuperAayush opened 1 year ago

SuperAayush commented 1 year ago

Under the keptn org on killercoda website I see the end to end delivery tutorial but unable to see the klt demo. klt

Is it like something to be done from the killercoda end?

cc - @agardnerIT

agardnerIT commented 1 year ago

Yes. Currently the demo and is still pointing to

I've opened a ticket with the Killercoda team on how best to migrate towards the official repo since Afzal has already "reserved" the /keptn username - so we'll need some sort of synchronised move.

I'm on it :)

agardnerIT commented 1 year ago

@staceypotter Do you have admin rights to this repo? If so, can you configure the following please?

1) Set up the GitHub webhook so that the sync to Killercoda works (as described here) 2) Set the username to keptn-new (NOT keptn yet!) in the killercoda account tied to this repo.

Doing these two steps will make the tutorials available on whereby we can test things and ensure it's all working smoothly.


Once that's done, we will need to co-ordinate with @afzal442 to:

1) Afzal removes the keptn username from his killercoda account (thus it becomes "available" again) 2) We change keptn-new to keptn

If we do it right, the switchover should be seamless and this will be the official Keptn killercoda repo from that point.

DavidPHirsch commented 1 year ago

@agardnerIT @afzal442 we need the secret to be able to add the webhook

DavidPHirsch commented 1 year ago

@agardnerIT @SuperAayush should be taken care of now, new account is