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Pytorch code translation to Keras code #552

Open albertopolito opened 3 years ago

albertopolito commented 3 years ago

Goodmorning, I'm a beginner and this is the first time that I use Keras to implement a neural network. I would write the same network of this link with the same activation function and forward mechanism. I see that there is a tool that convert ONNX models to Keras models, but it seems that doesn't work fine with this code. So I would translate it manually from Pytorch to Keras. I have some questions: -how can I write in Keras the activation function:

  class ActFun(torch.autograd.Function):

    def forward(ctx, input):

    def backward(ctx, grad_output):
        input, = ctx.saved_tensors
        grad_input = grad_output.clone()
        temp = abs(input - thresh) < lens
        return grad_input * temp.float()   

-how can I write in Keras the membrane potential update mechanism:

 def mem_update(ops, x, mem, spike):
    mem = mem * decay * (1. - spike) + ops(x)
    spike = act_fun(mem) # act_fun : approximation firing function
    return mem, spike

  class SCNN(nn.Module):


  def forward(self, input, time_window = 20):
        c1_mem = c1_spike = torch.zeros(batch_size, cfg_cnn[0][1], cfg_kernel[0], cfg_kernel[0], device=device)
        c2_mem = c2_spike = torch.zeros(batch_size, cfg_cnn[1][1], cfg_kernel[1], cfg_kernel[1], device=device)

        h1_mem = h1_spike = h1_sumspike = torch.zeros(batch_size, cfg_fc[0], device=device)
        h2_mem = h2_spike = h2_sumspike = torch.zeros(batch_size, cfg_fc[1], device=device)

        for step in range(time_window): # simulation time steps
            x = input > torch.rand(input.size(), device=device) # prob. firing

            c1_mem, c1_spike = mem_update(self.conv1, x.float(), c1_mem, c1_spike)

            x = F.avg_pool2d(c1_spike, 2)

            c2_mem, c2_spike = mem_update(self.conv2,x, c2_mem,c2_spike)

            x = F.avg_pool2d(c2_spike, 2)
            x = x.view(batch_size, -1)

            h1_mem, h1_spike = mem_update(self.fc1, x, h1_mem, h1_spike)
            h1_sumspike += h1_spike
            h2_mem, h2_spike = mem_update(self.fc2, h1_spike, h2_mem,h2_spike)
            h2_sumspike += h2_spike

        outputs = h2_sumspike / time_window
        return outputs

Thanks in advance for your time and your help.