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stable_diffusion vs diffusion_model #2362

Closed Reginald-L closed 8 months ago

Reginald-L commented 9 months ago

there are two py files: and, what is the difference between these two names stable diffusion and diffusion model? image

sachinprasadhs commented 9 months ago is base class for StableDiffusion, where as ( Diffusion Model) is the sub-component of StableDiffusion.

tirthasheshpatel commented 8 months ago

To add on to @sachinprasadhs's answer, is just the UNet for predicting the noise distribution. The file brings all the components together (i.e. the text encoder, noise scheduler, time step embeddings, the diffusion UNet, and the image decoder) to provide the users an end-to-end text-to-image model for inference.

I hope this answers your question! I am closing this issue but feel free to reopen if you have further questions.