keras-team / keras-cv

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SSD - Single Shot Detector head component. #960

Closed sebastian-sz closed 1 year ago

sebastian-sz commented 1 year ago

Short Description Given that Object Detection is currently on the roadmap I think it would be great to also include an SSD Head component, which we could attach to different backbones for Object Detection task.

Papers SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector

Existing Implementations Pytorch implementation Nvidia's Pytorch Implementation

tanzhenyu commented 1 year ago

Marking this as contribution welcome. It is aligned with our roadmap.

bhack commented 1 year ago

/cc @oarriaga if he is interested to contribute his SSD implementation:

pri1311 commented 1 year ago

keras Implementation for ssd300 and ssd512 models - MMDetection ssd head -

AdonaiVera commented 1 year ago

Hi @sebastian-sz Is this issue still welcoming contributions? If yes, then can I contribute ?

sebastian-sz commented 1 year ago

@AdonaiVera anyone can contribute :)

innat commented 1 year ago

@srikesh-07 some resource

jbischof commented 1 year ago

@srikesh-07 thank you for your contribution! Since last year we have pushed more recent models such as RetinaNet and YOLOv8, so I don't think SSD would add value to our OD offerings at this time. Please accept my apologies for not communicating sooner but we have so much outstanding work I hope you'll find an alternative to your liking easily!