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modify mlm example to support all backends #1856

Open Mrutyunjay01 opened 1 month ago

Mrutyunjay01 commented 1 month ago

With reference to the draft PR, here's an attempt to make to example truly backend-agnostic. In the process, I raised the following issues:, and While the latter got resolved, the former persists still. Kindly review the changes, and let me know how shall we proceed with the issues mentioned.

cc: @fchollet

Mrutyunjay01 commented 1 month ago

added subclassing implementation. Certain obstacles remain as mentioned:

  1. In BertEncoderLayer class, as it is inherited from layers.Layer, is it possible to access to the sub-layers here? as:
    mlm_model = models.load_model("bert_mlm.keras", custom_objects={"MaskedLanguageModel": MaskedLanguageModel})

mlm_model.layers :






This throws error saying 

AttributeError: 'BertEncoderLayer' object has no attribute 'get_layer'
  1. The reason I want to do the above is to reproduce the following:
    # Load pretrained bert model
    mlm_model = models.load_model(
    "bert_mlm_imdb.keras", custom_objects={"MaskedLanguageBertModel": MaskedLanguageBertModel}
    pretrained_bert_model = Model(
    mlm_model.input, mlm_model.get_layer("encoder_0_ffn_layernormalization").output

This was possible in functional declaration of the Model, but not in sub-classing (in last commit).

Kindly suggest w.r.t last commit
