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Error in vq_vae example: sampled = dist.sample() throws error. #893

Closed nkyventidis closed 2 years ago

nkyventidis commented 2 years ago

Hello there. I've tried running the vq_vae example in Colab. However in the "Codebook sampling" block, the line:

sampled = dist.sample()

throws the following error:

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in () 3 x = pixel_cnn(inputs, training=False) 4 dist = tfp.distributions.Categorical(logits=x) ----> 5 sampled = dist.sample() 6 sampler = keras.Model(inputs, sampled)

15 frames /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/tensorflow_probability/python/distributions/ in sample(self, sample_shape, seed, name, kwargs) 1232 """ 1233 with self._name_and_control_scope(name): -> 1234 return self._call_sample_n(sample_shape, seed, kwargs) 1235 1236 def _call_sample_and_log_prob(self, sample_shape, seed, **kwargs):

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/tensorflow_probability/python/distributions/ in _call_sample_n(self, sample_shape, seed, kwargs) 1210 sample_shape, 'sample_shape') 1211 samples = self._sample_n( -> 1212 n, seed=seed() if callable(seed) else seed, kwargs) 1213 samples = tf.nest.map_structure( 1214 lambda x: tf.reshape(x, ps.concat([sample_shape, ps.shape(x)[1:]], 0)),

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/tensorflow_probability/python/distributions/ in _sample_n(self, n, seed) 246 return tf.reshape( 247 tf.transpose(draws), --> 248 shape=ps.concat([[n], self._batch_shape_tensor(logits=logits)], axis=0)) 249 250 def _cdf(self, k):

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/tensorflow_probability/python/distributions/ in _batch_shape_tensor(self, parameter_kwargs) 1012 try: 1013 return batch_shape_lib.inferred_batch_shape_tensor( -> 1014 self, parameter_kwargs) 1015 except NotImplementedError: 1016 raise NotImplementedError('Cannot compute batch shape of distribution '

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/tensorflow_probability/python/internal/ in inferred_batch_shape_tensor(batch_object, bijector_x_event_ndims, parameter_kwargs) 113 bijector_x_event_ndims=bijector_x_event_ndims, 114 require_static=False, --> 115 parameter_kwargs) 116 return functools.reduce(ps.broadcast_shape, tf.nest.flatten(batch_shapes), []) 117

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/tensorflow_probability/python/internal/ in map_fn_over_parameters_with_event_ndims(batch_object, fn, bijector_x_event_ndims, require_static, **parameter_kwargs) 360 361 results[param_name] = nest.map_structure_up_to( --> 362 param, fn, param, param_event_ndims) 363 return results

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/util/ in map_structure_up_to(shallowtree, func, *inputs, **kwargs) 1427 lambda , values: func(values), # Discards the path arg. 1428 *inputs, -> 1429 **kwargs) 1430 1431

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/util/ in map_structure_with_tuple_paths_up_to(shallowtree, func, *inputs, **kwargs) 1524 for path, in _yield_flat_up_to(shallow_tree, inputs[0], is_nested_fn)) 1525 results = [ -> 1526 func(*args, *kwargs) for args in zip(flat_path_gen, flat_value_gen) 1527 ] 1528 return pack_sequence_as(structure=shallow_tree, flat_sequence=results,

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/util/ in (.0) 1524 for path, _ in _yield_flat_up_to(shallow_tree, inputs[0], is_nested_fn)) 1525 results = [ -> 1526 func(*args, *kwargs) for args in zip(flat_path_gen, flat_value_gen) 1527 ] 1528 return pack_sequence_as(structure=shallow_tree, flat_sequence=results,

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/util/ in (_, values) 1425 return map_structure_with_tuple_paths_up_to( 1426 shallowtree, -> 1427 lambda , values: func(values), # Discards the path arg. 1428 inputs, 1429 **kwargs)

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/tensorflow_probability/python/internal/ in get_batch_shape_tensor_part(x, event_ndims) 137 else: 138 base_shape = tf.shape(x) --> 139 return _truncate_shape_tensor(base_shape, event_ndims) 140 141

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/tensorflow_probability/python/internal/ in _truncate_shape_tensor(shape, rightmost_ndims_to_truncate) 174 175 def _truncate_shape_tensor(shape, rightmost_ndims_to_truncate): --> 176 shape = ps.convert_to_shape_tensor(shape, dtype_hint=np.int32) 177 rightmost_ndims_to_truncate = ps.convert_to_shape_tensor( 178 rightmost_ndims_to_truncate, dtype_hint=np.int32)

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/util/ in error_handler(*args, **kwargs) 151 except Exception as e: 152 filtered_tb = _process_traceback_frames(e.traceback) --> 153 raise e.with_traceback(filtered_tb) from None 154 finally: 155 del filtered_tb

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/keras/layers/core/ in handle(self, op, args, kwargs) 105 isinstance(x, keras_tensor.KerasTensor) 106 for x in tf.nest.flatten([args, kwargs])): --> 107 return TFOpLambda(op)(*args, **kwargs) 108 else: 109 return self.NOT_SUPPORTED

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/keras/utils/ in error_handler(*args, **kwargs) 65 except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except 66 filtered_tb = _process_traceback_frames(e.traceback) ---> 67 raise e.with_traceback(filtered_tb) from None 68 finally: 69 del filtered_tb

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ in raise_from(value, from_value)

TypeError: Dimension value must be integer or None or have an index method, got value '<attribute 'shape' of 'numpy.generic' objects>' with type '<class 'getset_descriptor'>'

I have made no modifications to the code. Anyone know a way to fix this?

Thanks in advance for your precious time!


sayakpaul commented 2 years ago

Downgrading to TensorFlow 2.5.0 should help resolve the issue.

nkyventidis commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your timely input.

Downgrading to TensorFlow 2.5.0 in Colab with pip unsuprisingly broke CUDA acceleration and caused tensorflow-probability to complain about version compatibility.

However, downgrading to tensorflow-probability v0.13 solved the issue without having to downgrade the current version of TensorFlow in Colab (v2.8.0):

!pip install tensorflow-probability==0.13

It would be nice having some insight about why the error occurs when the version changes though, if someone can help.