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Deep Learning for humans
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Attributeerror: 'ProgbarLogger' object has no attribute 'log_values' #11613

Closed chay-muvva closed 3 years ago

chay-muvva commented 5 years ago

import numpy as np from keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer from keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences from keras.utils import to_categorical from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense, Embedding, LSTM from keras import optimizers from keras.models import load_model import json, argparse, os import re import io import sys

Path to training and testing data file. This data can be downloaded from a link, details of which will be provided.

trainDataPath = "train.txt" testDataPath = "dev.txt"

Output file that will be generated. This file can be directly submitted.

solutionPath = "test.txt"

Path to directory where GloVe file is saved.

gloveDir = "./"

NUM_FOLDS = 1 # Value of K in K-fold Cross Validation NUM_CLASSES = 4 # Number of classes - Happy, Sad, Angry, Others MAX_NB_WORDS = 20000 # To set the upper limit on the number of tokens extracted using keras.preprocessing.text.Tokenizer MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH = 100 # All sentences having lesser number of words than this will be padded EMBEDDING_DIM = 100 # The dimension of the word embeddings BATCH_SIZE = 200 # The batch size to be chosen for training the model. LSTM_DIM = 128 # The dimension of the representations learnt by the LSTM model DROPOUT = 0.2 # Fraction of the units to drop for the linear transformation of the inputs. Ref - NUM_EPOCHS = 15 # Number of epochs to train a model for

label2emotion = {0:"others", 1:"happy", 2: "sad", 3:"angry"} emotion2label = {"others":0, "happy":1, "sad":2, "angry":3}

def preprocessData(dataFilePath, mode): """Load data from a file, process and return indices, conversations and labels in separate lists Input: dataFilePath : Path to train/test file to be processed mode : "train" mode returns labels. "test" mode doesn't return labels. Output: indices : Unique conversation ID list conversations : List of 3 turn conversations, processed and each turn separated by the tag labels : [Only available in "train" mode] List of labels """ indices = [] conversations = [] labels = [] with, encoding="utf8") as finput: finput.readline() for line in finput:

Convert multiple instances of . ? ! , to single instance

        # okay...sure -> okay . sure
        # okay???sure -> okay ? sure
        # Add whitespace around such punctuation
        # okay!sure -> okay ! sure
        repeatedChars = ['.', '?', '!', ',']
        for c in repeatedChars:
            lineSplit = line.split(c)
            while True:
            cSpace = ' ' + c + ' '    
            line = cSpace.join(lineSplit)

        line = line.strip().split('\t')
        if mode == "train":
            # Train data contains id, 3 turns and label
            label = emotion2label[line[4]]

        conv = ' <eos> '.join(line[1:4])

        # Remove any duplicate spaces
        duplicateSpacePattern = re.compile(r'\ +')
        conv = re.sub(duplicateSpacePattern, ' ', conv)


if mode == "train":
    return indices, conversations, labels
    return indices, conversations

def getMetrics(predictions, ground): """Given predicted labels and the respective ground truth labels, display some metrics Input: shape [# of samples, NUM_CLASSES] predictions : Model output. Every row has 4 decimal values, with the highest belonging to the predicted class ground : Ground truth labels, converted to one-hot encodings. A sample belonging to Happy class will be [0, 1, 0, 0] Output: accuracy : Average accuracy microPrecision : Precision calculated on a micro level. Ref - microRecall : Recall calculated on a micro level microF1 : Harmonic mean of microPrecision and microRecall. Higher value implies better classification

[0.1, 0.3 , 0.2, 0.1] -> [0, 1, 0, 0]

discretePredictions = to_categorical(predictions.argmax(axis=1))

truePositives = np.sum(discretePredictions*ground, axis=0)
falsePositives = np.sum(np.clip(discretePredictions - ground, 0, 1), axis=0)
falseNegatives = np.sum(np.clip(ground-discretePredictions, 0, 1), axis=0)

print("True Positives per class : ", truePositives)
print("False Positives per class : ", falsePositives)
print("False Negatives per class : ", falseNegatives)

# ------------- Macro level calculation ---------------
macroPrecision = 0
macroRecall = 0
# We ignore the "Others" class during the calculation of Precision, Recall and F1
for c in range(1, NUM_CLASSES):
    precision = truePositives[c] / (truePositives[c] + falsePositives[c])
    macroPrecision += precision
    recall = truePositives[c] / (truePositives[c] + falseNegatives[c])
    macroRecall += recall
    f1 = ( 2 * recall * precision ) / (precision + recall) if (precision+recall) > 0 else 0
    print("Class %s : Precision : %.3f, Recall : %.3f, F1 : %.3f" % (label2emotion[c], precision, recall, f1))

macroPrecision /= 3
macroRecall /= 3
macroF1 = (2 * macroRecall * macroPrecision ) / (macroPrecision + macroRecall) if (macroPrecision+macroRecall) > 0 else 0
print("Ignoring the Others class, Macro Precision : %.4f, Macro Recall : %.4f, Macro F1 : %.4f" % (macroPrecision, macroRecall, macroF1))   

# ------------- Micro level calculation ---------------
truePositives = truePositives[1:].sum()
falsePositives = falsePositives[1:].sum()
falseNegatives = falseNegatives[1:].sum()    

print("Ignoring the Others class, Micro TP : %d, FP : %d, FN : %d" % (truePositives, falsePositives, falseNegatives))

microPrecision = truePositives / (truePositives + falsePositives)
microRecall = truePositives / (truePositives + falseNegatives)

microF1 = ( 2 * microRecall * microPrecision ) / (microPrecision + microRecall) if (microPrecision+microRecall) > 0 else 0
# -----------------------------------------------------

predictions = predictions.argmax(axis=1)
ground = ground.argmax(axis=1)
accuracy = np.mean(predictions==ground)

print("Accuracy : %.4f, Micro Precision : %.4f, Micro Recall : %.4f, Micro F1 : %.4f" % (accuracy, microPrecision, microRecall, microF1))
return accuracy, microPrecision, microRecall, microF1

def writeNormalisedData(dataFilePath, texts): """Write normalised data to a file Input: dataFilePath : Path to original train/test file that has been processed texts : List containing the normalised 3 turn conversations, separated by the tag. """ normalisedDataFilePath = dataFilePath.replace(".txt", "_normalised.txt") with, 'w', encoding='utf8') as fout: with, encoding='utf8') as fin: fin.readline() for lineNum, line in enumerate(fin): line = line.strip().split('\t') normalisedLine = texts[lineNum].strip().split('') fout.write(line[0] + '\t')

Write the original turn, followed by the normalised version of the same turn

            fout.write(line[1] + '\t' + normalisedLine[0] + '\t')
            fout.write(line[2] + '\t' + normalisedLine[1] + '\t')
            fout.write(line[3] + '\t' + normalisedLine[2] + '\t')
                # If label information available (train time)
                fout.write(line[4] + '\n')    
                # If label information not available (test time)

def getEmbeddingMatrix(wordIndex): """Populate an embedding matrix using a word-index. If the word "happy" has an index 19, the 19th row in the embedding matrix should contain the embedding vector for the word "happy". Input: wordIndex : A dictionary of (word : index) pairs, extracted using a tokeniser Output: embeddingMatrix : A matrix where every row has 100 dimensional GloVe embedding """ embeddingsIndex = {}

Load the embedding vectors from ther GloVe file

with, 'glove.6B.100d.txt'), encoding="utf8") as f:
    for line in f:
        values = line.split()
        word = values[0]
        embeddingVector = np.asarray(values[1:], dtype='float32')
        embeddingsIndex[word] = embeddingVector

print('Found %s word vectors.' % len(embeddingsIndex))

# Minimum word index of any word is 1. 
embeddingMatrix = np.zeros((len(wordIndex) + 1, EMBEDDING_DIM))
for word, i in wordIndex.items():
    embeddingVector = embeddingsIndex.get(word)
    if embeddingVector is not None:
        # words not found in embedding index will be all-zeros.
        embeddingMatrix[i] = embeddingVector

return embeddingMatrix

def buildModel(embeddingMatrix): """Constructs the architecture of the model Input: embeddingMatrix : The embedding matrix to be loaded in the embedding layer. Output: model : A basic LSTM model """ embeddingLayer = Embedding(embeddingMatrix.shape[0], EMBEDDING_DIM, weights=[embeddingMatrix], input_length=MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH, trainable=False) print(embeddingLayer) model = Sequential() model.add(embeddingLayer) model.add(LSTM(LSTM_DIM, dropout=DROPOUT)) model.add(Dense(NUM_CLASSES, activation='softmax'))

rmsprop = optimizers.rmsprop(lr=0.003)
return model

def main(): '''parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Baseline Script for SemEval") parser.add_argument('-config', help='Config to read details', required=True) args = parser.parse_args()

with open(args.config) as configfile:
    config = json.load(configfile)

global trainDataPath, testDataPath, solutionPath, gloveDir

trainDataPath = config["train_data_path"]
testDataPath = config["test_data_path"]
solutionPath = config["solution_path"]
gloveDir = config["glove_dir"]

NUM_FOLDS = config["num_folds"]
NUM_CLASSES = config["num_classes"]
MAX_NB_WORDS = config["max_nb_words"]
MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH = config["max_sequence_length"]
EMBEDDING_DIM = config["embedding_dim"]
BATCH_SIZE = config["batch_size"]
LSTM_DIM = config["lstm_dim"]
DROPOUT = config["dropout"]
LEARNING_RATE = config["learning_rate"]
NUM_EPOCHS = config["num_epochs"]
print("Processing training data...")
trainIndices, trainTexts, labels = preprocessData(trainDataPath, mode="train")
# Write normalised text to file to check if normalisation works. Disabled now. Uncomment following line to enable   
# writeNormalisedData(trainDataPath, trainTexts)
print("Processing test data...")
testIndices, testTexts = preprocessData(testDataPath, mode="test")
# writeNormalisedData(testDataPath, testTexts)

print("Extracting tokens...")
tokenizer = Tokenizer(num_words=MAX_NB_WORDS)
trainSequences = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(trainTexts)
testSequences = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(testTexts)

wordIndex = tokenizer.word_index
print("Found %s unique tokens." % len(wordIndex))

print("Populating embedding matrix...")
embeddingMatrix = getEmbeddingMatrix(wordIndex)
print('shape of embeddingMatrix',embeddingMatrix.shape)
print('shape of embeddingMatrix.shape[0]: ',embeddingMatrix.shape[0])

data = pad_sequences(trainSequences, maxlen=MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH)
labels = to_categorical(np.asarray(labels))
print("Shape of training data tensor: ", data.shape)
print("Shape of label tensor: ", labels.shape)

# Randomize data
data = data[trainIndices]
labels = labels[trainIndices]

# Perform k-fold cross validation
metrics = {"accuracy" : [],
           "microPrecision" : [],
           "microRecall" : [],
           "microF1" : []}

print("Starting k-fold cross validation...")
for k in range(NUM_FOLDS):
    print("Fold %d/%d" % (k+1, NUM_FOLDS))
    validationSize = int(len(data)/NUM_FOLDS)
    index1 = validationSize * k
    index2 = validationSize * (k+1)

    xTrain = np.vstack((data[:index1],data[index2:]))
    yTrain = np.vstack((labels[:index1],labels[index2:]))
    xVal = data[index1:index2]
    yVal = labels[index1:index2]
    print("Building model...")
    model = buildModel(embeddingMatrix), yTrain, 
              validation_data=(xVal, yVal),
              epochs=NUM_EPOCHS, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)

    predictions = model.predict(xVal, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)
    accuracy, microPrecision, microRecall, microF1 = getMetrics(predictions, yVal)

print("\n============= Metrics =================")
print("Average Cross-Validation Accuracy : %.4f" % (sum(metrics["accuracy"])/len(metrics["accuracy"])))
print("Average Cross-Validation Micro Precision : %.4f" % (sum(metrics["microPrecision"])/len(metrics["microPrecision"])))
print("Average Cross-Validation Micro Recall : %.4f" % (sum(metrics["microRecall"])/len(metrics["microRecall"])))
print("Average Cross-Validation Micro F1 : %.4f" % (sum(metrics["microF1"])/len(metrics["microF1"])))


print("Retraining model on entire data to create solution file")
model = buildModel(embeddingMatrix), labels, epochs=NUM_EPOCHS, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)'EP%d_LR%de-5_LDim%d_BS%d.h5'%(NUM_EPOCHS, int(LEARNING_RATE*(10**5)), LSTM_DIM, BATCH_SIZE))
model = load_model('EP%d_LR%de-5_LDim%d_BS%d.h5'%(NUM_EPOCHS, int(LEARNING_RATE*(10**5)), LSTM_DIM, BATCH_SIZE))

print("Creating solution file...")
testData = pad_sequences(testSequences, maxlen=MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH)
predictions = model.predict(testData, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)
predictions = predictions.argmax(axis=1)

with, "w", encoding="utf8") as fout:
    fout.write('\t'.join(["id", "turn1", "turn2", "turn3", "label"]) + '\n')        
    with, encoding="utf8") as fin:
        for lineNum, line in enumerate(fin):
            fout.write('\t'.join(line.strip().split('\t')[:4]) + '\t')
            fout.write(label2emotion[predictions[lineNum]] + '\n')
print("Completed. Model parameters: ")
print("Learning rate : %.3f, LSTM Dim : %d, Dropout : %.3f, Batch_size : %d" 

if name == 'main': main()

gabrieldemarmiesse commented 5 years ago

Could you make a smaller example? It's going to take a while to debug a script this big.

ascripter commented 5 years ago

Faced the same problem. Could it be that your dataset is empty? I think in that case ProgbarLogger.on_epoch_end might be called before ever calling ProgbarLogger.on_batch_begin (which would set the attribute self.log_values.

My problem was with fit_generator function where I had accidentally set steps_per_epoch=0 which leads to the very same error. Anyway, this Exception is misleading. I would suggest to catch these cases by a different Exception being raised telling the user about their silly input.