Closed BackT0TheFuture closed 7 years ago
Good idea, if you come up with something cool we will consider it for inclusion in the Keras examples. Good luck!
@fchollet I tried ocropy several times,It implements LSTM networks with CTC alignment. Generally It does well in prediction (even touched character with heavy noise). Unfortunately It doesn't support CUDA, the training progress is just like a nightmare. After some research, I find reimplementing ocropy with Keras might be a better choice ! thanks for your efforts! Best regards !
Hi @goodtogood.Could you give more details on how you reimplemented ocropy with keras. Could u like give a brief description. Thanks
I'm a new about python and Keras, I wanna make some test about OCR without segmention using LSTM. I didn't find related example in the code. I noticed MNIST demo, but it's a single char not string sequence. Would you like to make a little demo about OCR using LSTM similar to ocropy [],