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Online Learning in Keras? #1868

Closed ashwinnaresh closed 8 years ago

ashwinnaresh commented 8 years ago

I wanted to implement online learning for a LSTM RNN. Does keras support online learning as of now? If not, can someone direct us to any source on how online learning can be implemented for RNN? (atleast on a conceptual level).

tboquet commented 8 years ago

When you say online learning, do you mean this? If it's the case, you could take a look at this example.

sjayakum commented 8 years ago


If I train a model with a training set. Now, Can i 're-fit' [update NOT re-train] the model with new data such that model parameters are just updated and not re-initialized.

Example: The below model is loaded after being trained with a training dataset.

model = model_from_json(open('lstm.json').read())

Now, when I do,new_data_output,verbose=1,nb_epoch=j)

Here does the above statement retrain the model from scratch or just the model parameters get updated.

pasky commented 8 years ago

The parameters just get updated by .fit(), so it should be suitable for you.

ashwinnaresh commented 8 years ago

Okay, thank you!

marcj commented 8 years ago

The parameters are not only getting updated but also the learned from initial training will be overwritten. The more new_data_input you have, the more the old training will be overwritten and it's probable that the accuracy for those training data goes down. I guess you mean with online learning, that with every new input all total inputs ever used are added to the network instead of overwritten, but I don't think this is the case.

pasky commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure I follow exactly what Marc is trying to say (maybe he meant to use "diminished" rather than "overwritten").

But it does bear to note that when you restart the fit(), any kind of learning rate schedule your optimizer is following (e.g. SGD+decay or adam) is restarted too! That means you may be updating your model on a new small sample by using a huge learning rate, which might not be okay.

Fixing this (to set the initial #iterations > 0) will require some small changes to keras.optimizers. But I don't know if there's any literature on what's actually the good way to fix this, because just setting the #iterations to number of iterations ran before does not sound right either. So perhaps the safest solution may be to just use plain SGD with static learning rate for these followup fit()s.

ashwinnaresh commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I want the LSTM to learn with newer data. If it forgets what it has learnt from the older data, its fine. It needs to update itself depending on the trend in the new data. It seems that .fit() does take care of the problem I had. Thanks @tboquet, @pasky and @marcj

anujgupta82 commented 8 years ago

@ashwin123 : I am also looking for online learning in keras. What I understand is that: for every datapoint , you update the model. Once a data point is used, never use it again. Is that correct ?

Also from your experience, how did your model perform ?

ashwinnaresh commented 8 years ago

Yes, I was updating the model with a new batch of data points. The model seemed to perform well.

anujgupta82 commented 8 years ago

@ashwin123 @fchollet Is there a way to incorporate Passive-Aggresive Algorithm [Crammer06] in updating the weights for online variant ? To be honest I am not even sure If the 2 can be connected.

Looking for some good practices of building models using online deep learning

anujgupta82 commented 8 years ago

I have put up a basic code for Online Deep Learning in Keras. The key difference is the way training is done - refer to cell number 9 and 17 in the notebook. In Cell 17, I take one datapoint (as if its a streaming data) and fit the model on this datapoint. Then take next datapoint so on and so forth. Further, each datapoint is considered exactly once and no more.

There is a difference in the outcome of offline and online - On test data ofline gave a 97.98 accuracy, online learning gave 93.96 accuracy.

Is this a right way to implement online learning in Keras ? Any suggestions on what changes can I make to online accuracy closer to offline ?

toluwajosh commented 8 years ago

@anujgupta82 the link you gave is broken. Can you please give another link that works. It will be highly appreciated. Thanks

BoltzmannBrain commented 8 years ago

@ashwin123 would you be willing to share your code for this issue?

BoltzmannBrain commented 8 years ago

Thank you for the example code @anujgupta82.

As one would assume, the training time for an online LSTM can be prohibitively slow. I would like to train my network on mini-batches, and test (run prediction) online. If anyone can help, please take a look at my question on SO.

snlpatel001213 commented 7 years ago

@fchollet Please provide an example for how I can train model with new data preserving previous trained Info. Thanks

patyork commented 7 years ago
# create model
# train model on available data
# save model'yourfileName.h5')

Some time passes

from keras.models import load_model
model = load_model('yourfileName.h5')

# continue training
smhoang commented 7 years ago

Example flow from @patyork is only good for transfer learning, or weight initialization, not for online learning as optimizer's parameters (the huge learning rate, decay...) are restarted when What I did is to set small learning rate, reasonable number of epoch and combine online training data and apart of previous training data to fit after loading the model. The experimental result is not too bad, but I don't think this is a good way to go. Any other approach to solve online deep learning ?

i3v commented 7 years ago

@smhoang, Yep, that's true. I'm facing similar issues and, after some digging into the code it looks like, indeed, this is not supported "out of the box", see #6697. But it is still possible to save and restore the "comprehensive model state" by using custom callbacks (by manually saving and restoring their state).

snowde commented 6 years ago
This baby should work

from keras.models import model_from_json

def sav_model(model):    
    json_string = model.to_json()
    open('model.json', 'w').write(json_string)
    model.save_weights('weights.h5', overwrite=True)

def lad_model():
    model = model_from_json(open('model.json').read())
    sgd = SGD(lr = 0.1, momentum = 0.9, decay = 0, nesterov = False)
    model.compile(optimizer=sgd, loss = 'binary_crossentropy')
    return model
MLDSBigGuy commented 6 years ago

@snowde are n't you just loading the model and compiling it ? Where are u adding new data ?

and-rewsmith commented 6 years ago

@snowde @MLDSBigGuy How does this:

def sav_model(model):    
    json_string = model.to_json()
    open('model.json', 'w').write(json_string)
    model.save_weights('weights.h5', overwrite=True)

def lad_model():
    model = model_from_json(open('model.json').read())
    sgd = SGD(lr = 0.1, momentum = 0.9, decay = 0, nesterov = False)
    model.compile(optimizer=sgd, loss = 'binary_crossentropy')
    return model

Differ from:'filename.txt')
snegas commented 6 years ago

@toluwajosh here is the working link

Might be somebody haven't found the repository yet

Metalkiler commented 6 years ago

Hi, according to online learning I believe the issue is something like this: Today we get a dataset with 3 diferent values (e.g, A,B,C) if at any given moment we got a new letter (named D) we could just update the model...

For instance I believe that online learning keeps the weights of the hidden layers and "dumps" the input layers and the output layer (since it will be different) so the code I developed should help with online learning :) (Ps: X is a sparse matrix )

para atualizar o modelo com novos dados é preciso:

deitar fora o primeiro layer e o ultimo layer

os restantes layers ficam com os pesos precisos..

model2 = Sequential() model2.add(Dense(1000, input_dim=len(train_X.columns), activation='relu', name='new_Inputs'))

for layer in model.layers[1:-1]: model2.add(layer)

model2.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))

model2.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='AdaDelta', metrics=['accuracy']) X ,, epochs=10, batch_size=2**10,callbacks = callbacks_list,validation_split=0.2)

Do you agree with this ideia as a way to update the model with volatile data (such is the case with Big Data) ?

PS2: I saw two posts of this sorry for the repost all

EDIT This usually happens when you 1 hot encode data

anujgupta82 commented 4 years ago

Guys the link is perfectly working for me Are you guys still not able to access it?

Metalkiler commented 4 years ago

I suggest looking at this paper when building reusable neural networks as well

GF-Huang commented 3 years ago

So what’s the solution?

Metalkiler commented 3 years ago

Basically according to paper (published in IJCNN conference), you can memorize the structure in a certain Point of time (in this case was in each U). If an input differs from the previous learnt structure you can basically assign the random Weight to that connection (between input and the first layer). If the Weight is known just assign the same weight learnt!

dileepkumarg-sa commented 3 years ago

I have a similar problem. What is the final solution for it?

phdrsch commented 3 years ago

@dileepkumarg-sa are you able to get the solution?

phara23 commented 3 years ago

According to this SO thread as of March 1st 2021 the following is the case:

When you restart training after using it trains with the learning rate it had when you saved the model. To make sure I wrote a simple callback using the learning rate scheduler callback.The code for the callback is shown below. I then trained a model for 5 epochs, saved the model, loaded the model and trained again. The callback prints the value of the learning rate at the beginning of each epoch and shows when training resumes the learning rate was preserved.

def scheduler(epoch, lr):
    if epoch < 2:
        lrout= lr * .5
    print ('At the start of epoch ', epoch+1, 'lr is ', lrin, ' will be set to ', lrout, ' for epoch ', epoch+2)
    return lrout

put this in your code before you call then in include


So online learning can be accomplished in keras, if you save the model and then load it you can just continue training it with the .fit() method.

modaresimr commented 2 years ago

Maybe this tutorial is good