keras-team / keras

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[BUG][all_reduce] INVALID_ARGUMENT: You must feed a value for placeholder tensor #19246

Open edwardyehuang opened 4 months ago

edwardyehuang commented 4 months ago
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/keras/src/utils/", line 118, in error_handler

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/keras/src/backend/tensorflow/", line 323, in fit

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/keras/src/backend/tensorflow/", line 117, in one_step_on_iterator

3 root error(s) found.
  (0) INVALID_ARGUMENT:  You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'StatefulPartitionedCall/cond/else/_1258/cond/Placeholder_831' with dtype int32
     [[{{node cond/Placeholder_831}}]]
  (1) INVALID_ARGUMENT:  You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'StatefulPartitionedCall/cond/else/_1258/cond/Placeholder_831' with dtype int32
     [[{{node cond/Placeholder_831}}]]
  (2) INVALID_ARGUMENT:  You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'StatefulPartitionedCall/cond/else/_1258/cond/Placeholder_831' with dtype int32
     [[{{node cond/Placeholder_831}}]]

Well, currently, I have no idea how to debug this issue because there is no useful information.

edwardyehuang commented 4 months ago

The current situation is: 1) tf.distribute.ReplicaContext.all_reduce will directly fail in graph mode of keras 3 + TensorFlow 2.15 2) Any other case (e.g. eager with keras 3.0 or graph with keras 2.15) with the same TensorFlow environment is ok.

SuryanarayanaY commented 4 months ago

Hi @edwardyehuang ,

If you want to use Keras with TF2.x backend, you need to install tf-keras package using pip install tf-keras and set the environment variable TF_USE_LEGACY_KERAS=1.

Also could you please confirm the behaviour with TF2.16v which is compatible with Keras3?


edwardyehuang commented 4 months ago

Hi @edwardyehuang ,

If you want to use Keras with TF2.x backend, you need to install tf-keras package using pip install tf-keras and set the environment variable TF_USE_LEGACY_KERAS=1.

Also could you please confirm the behaviour with TF2.16v which is compatible with Keras3?


Thanks for the reply. I am discussing solving the bug of keras 3, and my code is working fine in keras 2. This issue also happened in TensorFlow 2.16

edwardyehuang commented 4 months ago

Update: After removing replica_ctx.all_reduce, the error is gone. So now the problem is, why replica_ctx.all_reduce works fine in Keras 2.x but has errors in Keras3.x ? Still investigating

@SuryanarayanaY Note that, this is a bug, not a support

SuryanarayanaY commented 4 months ago

Hi @edwardyehuang ,If possible could we have a reproducible code snippet for this?

If this happened with TF2.16v with keras3 then it may need investigation. If you working on this I will leave it as it is for now.

edwardyehuang commented 4 months ago

@fchollet @SuryanarayanaY

A reproducible code snippet is presented below. Make sure you test it on at least 2 GPUs (and set batch_size >= num_gpus).

Remove either conv or all_reduce, and the problem will disappear.

The code below is working fine with Keras 2.15, it only has the error in Keras 3

It looks like this is caused by the all_reduce and tf.placeholder (for building the model in keras.Layer.__call__l)

However, given my limited knowledge and time, I'm unable to provide a quick fix. Thus, I need help

import keras
import tensorflow as tf


strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy()

# Make model ##########################################################################
with strategy.scope():

    class SimpleModel (keras.Model):

        def __init__(self, name=None):

        def build(self, input_shape):

            self.l = keras.layers.Conv2D(3, (1, 1), padding='same')


        def call (self, inputs, training=False):

            x = inputs

            if training:
                x = tf.distribute.get_replica_context().all_reduce(tf.distribute.ReduceOp.SUM, x)

            x = self.l(x)

            return x

    m = SimpleModel()

# Make dataset ##########################################################################
def simple_data_generator(num_samples=-1, size=(17, 17)):

    counter = 0

    while True:

        random_data = tf.random.uniform(

        yield random_data, random_data

        counter += 1

        if num_samples > 0 and counter >= num_samples:

io_shape = (17, 17, 3)

train_dataset =
    args=(-1, io_shape),
        tf.TensorSpec(shape=io_shape, dtype=tf.float32),
        tf.TensorSpec(shape=io_shape, dtype=tf.float32),
train_dataset = train_dataset.batch(BATCH_SIZE)

options =
options.experimental_distribute.auto_shard_policy =
train_dataset = train_dataset.with_options(options)

train_dataset = train_dataset.prefetch(

# Train #################################################################################, epochs=1, verbose=1, steps_per_epoch=1000)

Note that I found Keras 3 results 2 more placeholders in graph.capture than Keras 2.15, still under investigation.

edwardyehuang commented 4 months ago


fjmscut commented 4 months ago

same bug when i implement gradient accumulate feature, sb. can help me ? plz .....

edwardyehuang commented 4 months ago

@SuryanarayanaY I just noticed the Kaggle provides 2×T4, so here is the code in Kaggle:

edwardyehuang commented 3 months ago


SuryanarayanaY commented 3 months ago

Hi @edwardyehuang ,

Thanks for the reminder.I have replicated the issue with multi gpu VM environment and attached logs below.


edwardyehuang commented 2 months ago

Any update about this? It is the only barrier for me to move to Keras 3, and I can contribute lot of other functions after that.

edwardyehuang commented 1 month ago

@sachinprasadhs @fchollet

drasmuss commented 3 weeks ago

As an additional update, I believe that this bug is triggered whenever applying the Adam optimizer in a distributed context (I haven't done an exhaustive search over the optimizers, that's just the one I noticed it on). This bug is currently being masked, because due to the bug described in #19891 the cross-replica reduction to the gradients isn't actually being applied. But if you fix that issue (so that the ReplicaContext.all_reduce is being applied to the gradients), then you run into this error whenever trying to use the Adam optimizer.

edwardyehuang commented 3 weeks ago

@fchollet @sachinprasadhs @SuryanarayanaY

A humble suggestion: I believe this issue should be the top priority for the Keras team to solve. The existence of this issue makes it impossible for Keras 3 to perform correct distributed training.

qlzh727 commented 3 weeks ago

@jeffcarp and @kiranbir for visibility.

jeffcarp commented 3 weeks ago

Here's a smaller repro that doesn't require GPU:

jeffcarp commented 2 weeks ago

I looked into this for a bit - my hunch is there could be a subtle difference between the way the training step tf.function is handled in the training loops in TF-Keras vs. Keras 3:

@grasskin also mentioned conditionals might not work in replica contexts that call merge_call:

edwardyehuang commented 4 days ago


Any updates? I just ran the CoLab you provided with the latest tf + keras nightly version, and a new error appeared instead of the old one.

InvalidArgumentError: {{function_node __wrapped__AddN_N_2_device_/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0}} Inputs to operation AddN of type AddN must have the same size and shape.  Input 0: [1,17,17,3] != input 1: [0,17,17,3] [Op:AddN] name: