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Enterprise Edge Installation - mongodb status pending #6

Closed gabeale closed 2 years ago

gabeale commented 3 years ago

Hi, I have tried several times (checking carefully the step by step commands at the link to set up Kerberos Enterprise-Edge: facory and trafefik pods are running but mongodb is always "pending". System is Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Any idea how to make it running? Thank you in advance Alex Schermata del 2021-01-02 10-19-21

cedricve commented 3 years ago

hey you can use the kubectl describe po "podname" to see what is going wrong. I expect your pv is not properly setup.

gabeale commented 3 years ago

here you go:

root@alex-K52F:/home/alex# kubectl describe pod mongodb-6cbb4447b6-lrxhz Name: mongodb-6cbb4447b6-lrxhz Namespace: default Priority: 0 Node: Labels: pod-template-hash=6cbb4447b6 Annotations: Status: Pending IP:
IPs: Controlled By: ReplicaSet/mongodb-6cbb4447b6 Containers: mongodb: Image: Port: 27017/TCP Host Port: 0/TCP Liveness: exec [mongo --eval db.adminCommand('ping')] delay=30s timeout=5s period=10s #success=1 #failure=6 Readiness: exec [mongo --eval db.adminCommand('ping')] delay=5s timeout=5s period=10s #success=1 #failure=6 Environment: BITNAMI_DEBUG: false MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD: <set to the key 'mongodb-root-password' in secret 'mongodb'> Optional: false ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD: no MONGODB_SYSTEM_LOG_VERBOSITY: 0 MONGODB_DISABLE_SYSTEM_LOG: no MONGODB_ENABLE_IPV6: no MONGODB_ENABLE_DIRECTORY_PER_DB: no Mounts: /bitnami/mongodb from datadir (rw) /var/run/secrets/ from mongodb-token-8snst (ro) Conditions: Type Status PodScheduled False Volumes: datadir: Type: PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace) ClaimName: mongodb ReadOnly: false mongodb-token-8snst: Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret) SecretName: mongodb-token-8snst Optional: false QoS Class: BestEffort Node-Selectors: Tolerations: op=Exists for 300s op=Exists for 300s Events: Type Reason Age From Message

Warning FailedScheduling 2m28s default-scheduler 0/1 nodes are available: 1 pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims. Warning FailedScheduling 41m (x87 over 137m) default-scheduler 0/1 nodes are available: 1 pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims.


cedricve commented 3 years ago

your pvc is not properly configured. do you have a single node setup? and do you have changed the hostname to the nodes hostname?

gabeale commented 3 years ago

I'm not completely sure if I have used the right hostname, this is my config:

Schermata del 2021-01-02 12-50-49

cedricve commented 3 years ago

can you print out your pvc kubectl describe pvc you will see what is going wrong.

gabeale commented 3 years ago

here you go!

Name: mongodb Namespace: default StorageClass: local-storage Status: Pending Volume:
Labels: Annotations: mongodb default Finalizers: [] Capacity:
Access Modes:
VolumeMode: Filesystem Used By: mongodb-6cbb4447b6-lrxhz Events: Type Reason Age From Message

Warning ProvisioningFailed 58m (x402 over 158m) persistentvolume-controller "local-storage" not found Warning ProvisioningFailed 3m28s (x82 over 23m) persistentvolume-controller "local-storage" not found

cedricve commented 3 years ago

Interesting what is your kubernetes version?

gabeale commented 3 years ago

typing kubectl version I get this: Schermata del 2021-01-02 13-43-26

gabeale commented 3 years ago

Dear Cedricve, any news so far? Thanks in advance for support you will give.

cedricve commented 3 years ago

hey @gabeale, we might need to jump a short video call to clear this out. Can you also print out your nodes

kubectl get nodes

gabeale commented 3 years ago

Dear @cedricve thanks for availability. No problem for video call through Teams or equivalent, just tell me your preference. I tried once again to fresh install the Edge Enterprise following the procedure but situation in same. I run kubectl get nodes command and got this:


gabeale commented 3 years ago

Hi @cedricve, have you had the chance to review my situation? Thanks a lot

lexustec commented 3 years ago

@gabeale I had a similar issue. My issue was basically that the mongodb container didnt get up because of some persisten settings. I still have my command logs to see what was causing this. it took me hours to fiddle it out. one weird setting was the issue but from head i dont remember for just now.

I removed the mongodb pod and removed the pv and also emptied the directory which was for the pv. after this it did work.

I had some other issues too with wrong mongo root password... but that was also solved after removing the data and freshen it up. i had a lot of hazzle to get things up and running. still not far. still no web interface to add the other cameras. still no overview interface to see all the cameras like in the demo. but getting there eventually.

If You want drop me a ping.

cedricve commented 3 years ago

thanks @lexustec for sharing your feedback. @gabeale sadly im not able to reproduce..

lexustec commented 3 years ago

@cedricve i will prepare a blank machine and record the process or maybe a twitch stream. I try to reproduce the issue from user side. Many things are different between blank machines and dev machines. ( i have a lot of issues to get the docker images running or even do the stand alone install ... but that is not point of this issue now )

gabeale commented 3 years ago

Hi guys, any news so far? Thanks in advance :-)

cedricve commented 3 years ago

@lexustec managed to install it so we might need to look into it together @gabeale. Let me know when you are available.

gabeale commented 3 years ago

Anytime next week with the exception of Wednesday. Thank you all for availability Ciao

gabeale commented 3 years ago

Dear @lexustec please let us know when you are available for this issue. Thx in advance! 🙂

lexustec commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the late reply. I was busy. I am available basically. Cedric has me in discord. He can ping me there anytime.

gabeale commented 3 years ago

Dear friends, I'm also having discord account. Just give me a ping when you are ready. Thx

lexustec commented 3 years ago

You can find me via lexarion#9146

gabeale commented 3 years ago

Thx, I'm gabeale#1980

cedricve commented 2 years ago

By now should have been fixed, major changes have been added since this issue post.