kerberos-io / kerberos-docker

Run Kerberos Open Source inside a docker container.
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Whoops, looks like something went wrong. #16

Closed amzamzamzamz closed 4 years ago

amzamzamzamz commented 5 years ago

Docker container running, but on web page this error: Whoops, looks like something went wrong. 'latest' build. and 'linux-amd64' too

cedricve commented 5 years ago

hey @amzamzamzamz, which image are you using?

amzamzamzamz commented 5 years ago linux-amd64 and latest

amzamzamzamz commented 5 years ago

Running into OpenMediaVault Docker plugin

cedricve commented 5 years ago

hmm, tried to run latest version and works like a charm. Are you using any special options?

khiles commented 5 years ago

I am same running on OMV and get same error only difference is i changed port 80 to 99

cedricve commented 5 years ago

@khiles can you provide me the web logs? /var/www/web/storage/logs M

ChriZathens commented 4 years ago

Hello. Old issue I know Just installed myself in Openmediavault and got the exact same error Port 80 is changed to 8088

I have no logs in /var/www/web/storage/logs Container has the following paths configured: /etc/opt/kerberosio/logs /var/www/web/config /etc/opt/kerberosio/capture /etc/opt/kerberosio/config

which all point to different folders on my storage

The only folder that has actually populated something since the container started is /etc/opt/kerberosio/logs

It created a file log.stash and it is full of the following:

01/04/2020 21:28:38.086 INFO [trivial] Logging is written to: /etc/opt/kerberosio/logs/log.stash 01/04/2020 21:28:38.087 INFO [trivial] Reading configuration file: /etc/opt/kerberosio/config/config.xml 01/04/2020 21:28:38.087 ERROR [trivial] TinyXML : could not open the xml file, maybe the file doesn't exist?

Are there any env vars that need to be passed and I am missing (did not see anything in the docker hub page, though, just the ports)

cedricve commented 4 years ago

hey @ChriZathens can you share what is in your config folder?

ChriZathens commented 4 years ago

Hello I will validate this when I get home in about 2 hours, but I am pretty sure that there was nothing created in the config folder

cedricve commented 4 years ago

@ChriZathens your issue is related to this one: We will fix this in the upcoming days. Hold on.

ChriZathens commented 4 years ago

Nice, thanks!

cedricve commented 4 years ago

We have added a fix for this #22, and are rebuilding the image. Let you know when ready.