kerberos-io / kerberos-docker

Run Kerberos Open Source inside a docker container.
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502 Bad Gateway - No streaming #19

Open viperman1271 opened 5 years ago

viperman1271 commented 5 years ago

After using the latest docker image, it appears that Kerberos doesn't work. Adding an IP camera provides nothing and a message with "No stream, is the machinery running?" After using the console inside Chrome to inspect potential issues, the result was: GET http://whirlpool/stream 502 (Bad Gateway).

The docker container was created using docker run --name camera1 -p 80:80 -p 8889:8889 -d kerberos/kerberos after executing docker pull kerberos/kerberos:latest

maleszbacsi commented 4 years ago

I have same problem!

cedricve commented 4 years ago

@maleszbacsi can you provide your logs, I'm not aware of an issue. So it might be you cannot connect to your IP camera properly.

maleszbacsi commented 4 years ago

@cedricve I can play the RTSP stream in my VLC via internet. `- expositors.Rectangle.region.x1 = 0

cedricve commented 4 years ago

could be related to the dns name you provided whirlpool.. Did you tried accessing through the IP address?

TomNeutrino commented 4 years ago

I am having the same problem. Chromium console says "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 502 stream:1 (Bad Gateway). Using a RPi4. But I can see the IP camera stream in the browser. How is supposed to know the cameras local network address?

cedricve commented 4 years ago

hey @TomNeutrino, did you update the setting page? when accessing the web app you can see the settings page at the top.

daviscodesbugs commented 3 years ago

Experiencing the same issue. I am able to access the stream via <ip_address>/stream but every other endpoint I've tried has an nginx 502 message