kerberos-io / kerberos-docker

Run Kerberos Open Source inside a docker container.
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TCPSocket output to server on host doesn't work? #31

Closed quammy closed 3 years ago

quammy commented 3 years ago

Hi, My setup with issue is:

I've set the IP on the kerberos machinery TCPSocket setup as "host.docker.internal" and also as the IP I've seen allocated to the WSL2 by the Winodws OS (i.e. through ipcconfig). None worked.

To verify the idea of using "host.docker.internal" or the WSL2 IP, I then run a simple alpine docker with the following commands:

 # apk add curl
 # curl http://host.docker.internal:1337

It worked and the connection data appeared on my simple TCP server.

So what am I missing here with docker?

Test setup where TCPSocket works as expected:

p.s. I'm totally noob with Docker - I have literally less than 2 days experience at the moment...

quammy commented 3 years ago

It just started to work after a while. I'm closing the issue for now as I cannot replicate the situation. Cheers.