kerberos-io / kerberos-docker

Run Kerberos Open Source inside a docker container.
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XML-config-files not updated through web-interface #38

Closed tca22 closed 2 years ago

tca22 commented 2 years ago


I am using Version 2.8.0 on docker and just realised, that the XML-config-files (config folder is mapped to local volume) cannot be updated through the web-interface anymore. Obviously, this was once working, but somewhen along the update-path since V2.3.0, this glitch sneaked in.

I tried a new installation as well, but the issue remains. Any thoughts or directions?

Thank you, Tom

tca22 commented 2 years ago


seemed to be the config-file "expositor.xml" was somehow corrupted/non-compliant; copied it over / recreated it from the GitHub-reposirory and everything worked fine again;