kerberos-io / kios

A Linux OS created by Buildroot which runs Kerberos Open Source out-of-the-box.
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Issue storing login credentials and reverting to wizard setup #27

Closed espressobeanies closed 6 years ago

espressobeanies commented 6 years ago

OS: KiOS v2.6.0 Platform: Raspberry Pi 2

Issue: KiOS isn't storing the login credentials generated during an initial wizard setup and is re-prompting the wizard after a set number of minutes. Once the wizard completes a second time, the initial settings reappear.

cedricve commented 6 years ago

Weird should be fixed by now. Which browser are you using? Is this a fresh install?

espressobeanies commented 6 years ago

Mozilla Firefox and yes it was.


I confirmed same issue via Google Chrome and appears to occur frequently. It could be related to a mounted read-only filesystem. I'll confirm this later.

On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 2:32 AM, Cédric Verstraeten <> wrote:

Weird should be fixed by now. Which browser are you using? Is this a fresh install?

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espressobeanies commented 6 years ago

Resolved in v2.6.0 via /data/etc/kios.conf file

cedricve commented 6 years ago

hey @espressobeanies, how do you mean resolved with /data/etc/kios.conf? Can you explain your research?