kerberos-io / kios

A Linux OS created by Buildroot which runs Kerberos Open Source out-of-the-box.
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kios "configuration" ui never loads on Pi Zero W #37

Open stenwt opened 5 years ago

stenwt commented 5 years ago

On both an installation of Kios v2.7.2 that's been running for a few days, and a new installation with no configuration applied, I'm getting the "configuration" screen hanging/never loading screenshot from 2018-10-20 14-54-31 . System and dashboard load fine. The system loadavg is roughly 1, logs don't show any issues, and the system is otherwise responsive. kerberosio-configuration.tar.gz

xhozt commented 4 years ago

confirmed here .

cedricve commented 4 years ago

@xhozt which version?

grenade commented 3 years ago

happens for me too pretty constantly on pi 3 and 4 as well (kios version 2.8.0). issue happens after ip address changes caused by power outages. only workaround i have found is to reflash the sd card. had to buy a better rut955 router to lock the dhcp leases to the cameras and kios instances to save me having to go and reflash kios every time we have a power cut to the router, camera or kios device. also,

cedricve commented 3 years ago

hmm that is weird @grenade , what do you see in the web logs?

cedricve commented 3 years ago

@grenade let me know if you want to elaborate on this issue.

grenade commented 3 years ago

I will upload logs when I get the chance. I have a couple sdcards from borked kios instances.

cedricve commented 3 years ago

Thank you I would be great to get this sorted out.