Please release an image that can be booted in a Raspberry pi Zero 2.
I tried the images for pi1 und pi3 (the Raspberry pi Zero 2 basically is a pi3 in a pi zero W form factor) but they can't be booted as this new board requires a recent kernel/OS.
motionEyeOS Version
I am running KiOS version: v2.8.0
Board Model
I am using the following board/model: raspberry pi Zero 2
I am using the following type of camera: pi camera
My camera model is: AZ Delivery pi cam
Network Connection
My KiOS unit is connected to the network via: WiFi
I am using the following peripherals that I consider relevant to this issue:
Please release an image that can be booted in a Raspberry pi Zero 2. I tried the images for pi1 und pi3 (the Raspberry pi Zero 2 basically is a pi3 in a pi zero W form factor) but they can't be booted as this new board requires a recent kernel/OS.
motionEyeOS Version
I am running KiOS version: v2.8.0
Board Model
I am using the following board/model: raspberry pi Zero 2
I am using the following type of camera: pi camera
My camera model is: AZ Delivery pi cam
Network Connection
My KiOS unit is connected to the network via: WiFi
I am using the following peripherals that I consider relevant to this issue:
Log Files
does not boot, so no logs