kerberos-io / kios

A Linux OS created by Buildroot which runs Kerberos Open Source out-of-the-box.
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images for easy installation / testing on x86 / amd64 machines #7

Closed mark-orion closed 6 years ago

mark-orion commented 7 years ago

I think this project would benefit from kios images for x86 / amd64 systems. This would allow very easy testing or even using of kerberos-io on "standard" desktops and laptops by using virtualbox or a USB image. I am aware of people who do have an "old" computer sitting around that could do the job, but who do not want to buy a Raspberry Pi.

cedricve commented 7 years ago

hey @mark-orion correct, this is the reason why we also ship Docker images.

mark-orion commented 7 years ago

Yes I saw this, but for testing you probably want to use a USB camera and not an IP based one.

cedricve commented 7 years ago

Well @mark-orion I hope this will be possible very soon. Don't know how far it progressed, so you can access an USB camera from a host system like OSX or Windows. Linux shouldn't be any problem.

A possible answer is stream the camera into the container using ffmpeg according to a comment in