kerberos-io / machinery

(DEPRECATED) An open source image processing framework, which uses your USB-, IP- or RPi-camera to recognize events (e.g. motion).
490 stars 104 forks source link

No stream, is the machinery running? #171

Open gieljnssns opened 5 years ago

gieljnssns commented 5 years ago

Describe the bug I can't see my raspberry pi camera in the web view or trough the mpeg stream. I use a raspberry pi zero W and a official raspberry pi NOIR camera

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. When I stop the service
  2. start kerberosio from command line
  3. See error
    pi@PiZero-Keuken:/usr/bin $ kerberosio
    Bad file [/tmp/logs/myeasylog.log]
    Bad file [/tmp/logs/myeasylog.log]
    Bad file [/tmp/logs/myeasylog.log]
    Bad file [/tmp/logs/myeasylog.log]
    12/09/2018 18:26:41.410 INFO  [trivial] Logging is written to: /etc/opt/kerberosio/logs/log.stash
    12/09/2018 18:26:41.420 INFO  [trivial] Reading configuration file: /etc/opt/kerberosio/config/config.xml
    12/09/2018 18:26:41.430 INFO  [trivial] Final configuration:
    - algorithm = DifferentialCollins
    - algorithms.BackgroundSubtraction.dilate = 7
    - algorithms.BackgroundSubtraction.erode = 5
    - algorithms.BackgroundSubtraction.history = 15
    - algorithms.BackgroundSubtraction.nmixtures = 5
    - algorithms.BackgroundSubtraction.ratio = 1
    - algorithms.BackgroundSubtraction.shadows = false
    - algorithms.BackgroundSubtraction.threshold = 10
    - algorithms.DifferentialCollins.erode = 5
    - algorithms.DifferentialCollins.threshold = 15
    - capture = RaspiCamera
    - captures.IPCamera.angle = 0
    - captures.IPCamera.delay = 500
    - captures.IPCamera.frameHeight = 480
    - captures.IPCamera.frameWidth = 640
    - captures.IPCamera.url = rtsp://admin:888888@
    - captures.RaspiCamera.angle = 270
    - captures.RaspiCamera.brightness = 50
    - captures.RaspiCamera.contrast = 0
    - captures.RaspiCamera.delay = 1000
    - captures.RaspiCamera.frameHeight = 480
    - captures.RaspiCamera.frameWidth = 640
    - captures.RaspiCamera.framerate = 5
    - captures.RaspiCamera.saturation = 0
    - captures.RaspiCamera.sharpness = 0
    - captures.USBCamera.angle = 0
    - captures.USBCamera.delay = 500
    - captures.USBCamera.deviceNumber = 0
    - captures.USBCamera.fourcc = MJPG
    - captures.USBCamera.frameHeight = 480
    - captures.USBCamera.frameWidth = 640
    - captures.VideoCapture.angle = 0
    - captures.VideoCapture.delay = 500
    - captures.VideoCapture.frameHeight = 480
    - captures.VideoCapture.frameWidth = 640
    - captures.VideoCapture.path = 0
    - cloud = S3
    - clouds.S3.bucket =
    - clouds.S3.folder =
    - clouds.S3.privateKey =
    - clouds.S3.publicKey =
    - condition = Enabled
    - = true
    - conditions.Enabled.delay = 10000
    - conditions.Time.delay = 10000
    - conditions.Time.times = 0:01,23:59-0:01,23:59-0:01,23:59-0:01,23:59-0:01,23:59-0:01,23:59-0:01,23:59
    - configuration = /etc/opt/kerberosio/config/config.xml
    - expositor = Hull
    - expositors.Hull.region =
    - expositors.Rectangle.region.x1 = 0
    - expositors.Rectangle.region.x2 = 800
    - expositors.Rectangle.region.y1 = 0
    - expositors.Rectangle.region.y2 = 600
    - heuristic = Sequence
    - heuristics.Counter.appearance = 3
    - heuristics.Counter.markers = 100,100|100,200|200,100|200,200
    - heuristics.Counter.maxDistance = 140
    - heuristics.Counter.minArea = 200
    - heuristics.Counter.minimumChanges = 20
    - heuristics.Counter.noMotionDelayTime = 100
    - heuristics.Counter.onlyTrueWhenCounted = true
    - heuristics.Sequence.minimumChanges = 20
    - heuristics.Sequence.minimumDuration = 4
    - heuristics.Sequence.noMotionDelayTime = 1000
    - io = Disk,Video,MQTT
    - = /etc/opt/kerberosio/capture/
    - ios.Disk.fileFormat = timestamp_microseconds_instanceName_regionCoordinates_numberOfChanges_token.jpg
    - ios.Disk.markWithTimestamp = true
    - ios.Disk.privacy = false
    - ios.Disk.throttler = 0
    - ios.Disk.timestampColor = red
    - ios.GPIO.periodTime = 100000
    - ios.GPIO.periods = 1
    - = 17
    - ios.GPIO.throttler = 0
    - ios.MQTT.clientId =
    - ios.MQTT.password = *********
    - ios.MQTT.port = 1883
    - = false
    - ios.MQTT.server =
    - ios.MQTT.throttler = 8
    - ios.MQTT.topic = kios/keuken
    - ios.MQTT.username = ******
    - ios.MQTT.verifycn = false
    - ios.Pushbullet.throttler = 10
    - ios.Pushbullet.token = o.mC5LPVCvPCphtSsEgWZQpFM86w9ciWQ3
    - ios.Pushbullet.url =
    - ios.Script.path = /etc/opt/kerberosio/scripts/
    - ios.Script.throttler = 0
    - ios.TCPSocket.message = motion-detected
    - ios.TCPSocket.port = 1337
    - ios.TCPSocket.server =
    - ios.TCPSocket.throttler = 0
    - ios.Video.codec = h264
    - = /etc/opt/kerberosio/capture/
    - ios.Video.enableHardwareEncoding = true
    - ios.Video.extension = mp4
    - ios.Video.fileFormat = timestamp_microseconds_instanceName_regionCoordinates_numberOfChanges_token
    - ios.Video.fps = 30
    - ios.Video.hardwareDirectory = /etc/opt/kerberosio/h264/
    - ios.Video.markWithTimestamp = false
    - ios.Video.maxDuration = 30
    - ios.Video.privacy = false
    - ios.Video.recordAfter = 5
    - ios.Video.throttler = 0
    - ios.Video.timestampColor = white
    - ios.Webhook.throttler = 0
    - ios.Webhook.url = http://localhost/api/v1/webhook
    - logging = false
    - name = Keuken
    - stream = Mjpg
    - streams.Mjpg.enabled = true
    - streams.Mjpg.fps = 5
    - streams.Mjpg.password =
    - streams.Mjpg.quality = 75
    - streams.Mjpg.streamPort = 8889
    - streams.Mjpg.username =
    - timezone = Europe-Brussels
    12/09/2018 18:26:41.442 INFO  [trivial] Logging is set to info
    12/09/2018 18:26:41.445 INFO  [trivial] Capture: Start capture device: RaspiCamera
    12/09/2018 18:26:41.447 INFO  [trivial] Capture: Trying to open Raspberry Pi camera module.
    12/09/2018 18:26:41.448 INFO  [trivial] Capture: (Warning) If you see a OMX_GetHandle error, this means that you don't have a working RPi camera module attached.
    12/09/2018 18:26:41.449 INFO  [trivial] Capture: (Warning) You can change the capture device with the configuration files.
    CopyPort(>70, OMX.broadcom.video_encode->200
    Port 200: in 1/1 460800 16 disabled,not pop.,not cont. 640x480 640x480 @5fps 20
    ===> types : 8[200] | 8[71]
    Port 71: out 1/1 460800 16 disabled,not pop.,not cont. 640x480 640x480 @5fps 20
    Port 200: in 1/1 15360 16 disabled,not pop.,not cont. 160x64 160x64 @30fps 20
    []Wating state to be 2
    [OMX.broadcom.video_encode]Wating state to be 2
    [OMX.broadcom.video_encode]Wating state to be 2
    Wating port 70 to be 1
    Wating port 200 to be 1
    Port 70: out 1/1 460800 16 enabled,populated,not cont. 640x480 640x480 @5fps 20
    Wating port 71 to be 1
    Port 71: out 0/0 460800 16 enabled,populated,not cont. 640x480 640x480 @5fps 20
    []Wating state to be 3
    Wating port 201 to be 1
    Port 200: in 1/1 460800 16 enabled,populated,not cont. 640x480 640x480 @5fps 20
    Port 201: out 1/1 65536 16 enabled,populated,not cont. 640x480 0x0 @30fps 0
    [OMX.broadcom.video_encode]Wating state to be 3
    Wating port 201 to be 1
    Wating port 200 to be 1
    Port 200: in 0/0 460800 16 enabled,populated,not cont. 640x480 640x480 @5fps 20
    Port 201: out 1/1 65536 16 enabled,populated,not cont. 640x480 0x0 @30fps 0
    [OMX.broadcom.video_encode]Wating state to be 3
    12/09/2018 18:26:42.693 INFO  [trivial] Capture: Succesfully opened Raspberry Pi camera module.
    12/09/2018 18:26:47.695 INFO  [trivial] Capture: Start streaming thread
    12/09/2018 18:26:47.697 INFO  [trivial] Stream: Configured stream on port 8889 with quality: 75
    12/09/2018 18:26:47.698 INFO  [trivial] Starting cloud service: S3
    12/09/2018 18:26:47.818 INFO  [trivial] Starting conditions: Enabled
    12/09/2018 18:26:47.831 INFO  [trivial] Starting algorithm: DifferentialCollins
    12/09/2018 18:26:47.835 INFO  [trivial] Starting expositor: Hull
    OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (total >= 0 && (depth == CV_32S || depth == CV_32F)) in pointPolygonTest, file /home/cedricverst/kios/output/raspberrypi/build/kerberosio-machinery-develop/opencv/modules/imgproc/src/geometry.cpp, line 103
    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
    what():  /home/cedricverst/kios/output/raspberrypi/build/kerberosio-machinery-develop/opencv/modules/imgproc/src/geometry.cpp:103: error: (-215) total >= 0 && (depth == CV_32S || depth == CV_32F) in function pointPolygonTest


**Expected behavior**
I would like to see the stream

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
<img width="1064" alt="schermafbeelding 2018-09-12 om 18 35 05" src="">

**Operating System and Device (please complete the following information):**
 - Host system: Raspberry Pi Zero W
 - OS: Raspbian
 - Installation Method: Generic Installation

**Additional context**
Add any other context about the problem here.
Shboodle commented 5 years ago


I´ve the same issue. After 30m the module stop working. Error below: "OMX_GetHandle error, this means that you don't have a working RPi camera module attached" Can you please help us?

Thank you Tiago

doctorpepper608 commented 4 years ago

Hi, i have same problem. And after rebuild ffmpeg to lowest version and rebuild machinery I have received "Segmentation fault "