kerberos-io / web

(DEPRECATED) An open source GUI to configure the machinery and to view events that were detected by the machinery.
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Question on examples #139

Closed lesar closed 5 years ago

lesar commented 5 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I like to find some complex example but find only one pi+cam examples

Describe the solution you'd like I need to see an example like using 10 outdoor cam, 10 pi, one workstation(pi) to see all cam.
How to connect hardware? How can view on android.

Can point me to it?
best regards

lesar commented 5 years ago

I have think to screw the pi to the wall behind the outdoor cam connecting the pi to the cam by net cable and use wireless to put on lan all pi.

Open the port 80 on the pi over the lan so I can see all web from any workstation in the home.
Does this make sense?

best regards, Leonardo

fabiopbx commented 5 years ago

I would assume you are using IP cams, if so I would highly recommend using docker and an older more powerful machine, unless you already own 10 rPIs the cost would be about th same if you were to get a 2nd hand i5 box or so, that’s what i run.

The pi’s can be anywhere you want, each one has its own web gui so you’ll the access each one individually.

Pi’s and the cameras will connect to the network (say a switch), either WiFi or cable (recommended) then you configure the kios on each pinto connect to the camera. I’d also recommend get all cameras Ethernet cables to a central location, and have the pi’s nearby too.

Currently there is no all in one gui to see all cams unless you make it yourself or use the cloud features.

I’m mobile so apologies for any mistakes, if you want further help let me know :)

lesar commented 5 years ago

tank you, regards, Leonardo