kerberos-io / web

(DEPRECATED) An open source GUI to configure the machinery and to view events that were detected by the machinery.
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No Detections Listed in Web UI #143

Open Stubbs opened 5 years ago

Stubbs commented 5 years ago

Describe the bug Detections aren't listed in Web UI

To Reproduce I have my local NAS mounted at /mnt/nas and in the config I have set that as the directory for image & video capture and I can see that there are images & videos being captured, I'm also getting notifications of movement via MQTT but I cannot see them listed in the usual place on the Kerberos web UI (down the left)

Expected behavior I should be able to see the movement times on the Web UI


Desktop (please complete the following information):

Kerberod Version: 2.7.2

Additional context fstab looks like this for the NAS mount:

// /mnt/nas cifs username=cctv,password=password,iocharset=utf8,vers=1.0,file_mode=0644,dir_mode=0644,uid=1007,gid=100,rw,setuids 0 0

Log excerpt for motion detection:

27/12/2018 20:24:21.307 INFO  [trivial] RectangleExpositor: activity detected from (1231,677) to (1279,862)
27/12/2018 20:24:33.451 INFO  [trivial] RectangleExpositor: activity detected from (130,265) to (721,404)
27/12/2018 20:24:34.226 INFO  [trivial] RectangleExpositor: activity detected from (44,315) to (144,375)
27/12/2018 20:24:34.227 INFO  [trivial] Heuristic is valid; numberOfChanges: 1439, Sequence duration: 2
27/12/2018 20:24:34.227 INFO  [trivial] IoVideo: firing
27/12/2018 20:24:34.227 INFO  [trivial] IoVideo (OnBoard): start writing images
27/12/2018 20:24:34.370 INFO  [trivial] Executing IO devices for 1 detection(s)
27/12/2018 20:24:34.370 INFO  [trivial] IoDisk: saving image 1545942274_6-227742_Driveway_44-315-144-375_1439_8.jpg
27/12/2018 20:24:34.733 INFO  [trivial] IoVideo: locked write thread
27/12/2018 20:24:34.896 INFO  [trivial] IoMQTT: sending message...sent
27/12/2018 20:24:39.229 INFO  [trivial] IoVideo: end writing images
27/12/2018 20:24:39.229 INFO  [trivial] IoVideo: remove videowriter
27/12/2018 20:24:39.229 INFO  [trivial] IoVideo: unlocking write thread